Kasia Kowalska

Kasia Kowalska

Kasia Kowalska (b. June 13 1973 in Sulejówek, Poland) is a Polish pop rock singer/songwriter/producer/actress.

Her musical career began in the early 1980s when she sang as a female vocalist for numerous Polish bands, including Human, Fatum and Talking Pictures. Soon later, she received an offer for her first album, "Gemini", which was released some years later. The album is said to represent her complex personality with the name following her zodiac sign.

In 1995, she took part in the Sopot Festival, where she was given . One of the judges was Malcolm McLaren. After that, she released her next album, "Koncert Inaczej", a collection of her live performances and rock covers.

In 1996, she represented Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest with a song called "Chcę znać swój grzech..." and finished 15th out of 23 and received 31 points. She also received such high scores as 7 from three countries (Turkey, Greece and Bosnia-Herzegovina). Afterwards, she starred in a movie called Nocne Graffiti and recorded a song for soundtrack of the movie. She also recorded a song to the soundtrack of a Disney movie, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame - the prayer of Esmeralda.

She got involved in a relationship with Kostek Yoriadis, the future father of her daughter.

In 1997, she gave birth to her daughter Aleksandra Julia.

In 2001, was nominated for MTV Europe Music Awards, as "The Best Polish Artist", and won.

She writes all the lyrics on her albums by herself, reflecting a lot from her own experiences. She is also known as a true "stage animal" though her lyrics are deep and touching. She is considered as one of Poland's best performing singers. In her band, also plays one of Poland's best bass players, Wojciech Pilichowski.

The next album is scheduled to be released in the late 2008. Kasia is also expecting her second child late Spring of 2008.


* 1994 - "Gemini".....................300.000 copies sold
* 1995 - "Koncert Inaczej"............200.000 copies sold
* 1996 - "Czekając na...".............200.000 copies sold
* 1998 - "Pełna obaw".................124.000 copies sold
* 2000 - "5"...........................95.000 copies sold
* 2002 - "Antidotum"..................100.000 copies sold
* 2004 - "Samotna w wielkim mieście"...70.000 copies sold

All sales: 1.089.000 copies sold

The New Single of Kasia called "Dlaczego nie?". In English - Why Not?


* 1997 – Nocne Graffiti (by Maciej Dutkiewicz)


* 1994 - "Greatest Hope of Polish Rock Scene"
* 1995 - "Vocalist of the Year"
* 1995 - "Hit of the Year"
* 1998 - "Song of the Year"
* 2001 - "Best Polish Music Video"
* 2001 - "Best Polish Vocalist"
* 2002 - "Rock Album of the Year"
* 2002 - "Artist of the Year"

External links

* [http://www.kasiakowalska.pl/ Official Home of Kasia Kowalska]

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