frontal eminence — n the prominence of the human frontal bone above each superciliary ridge * * * tuber frontale … Medical dictionary
frontal eminence — noun either prominence of the frontal bone above each orbit • Hypernyms: ↑bulge, ↑bump, ↑hump, ↑swelling, ↑gibbosity, ↑gibbousness, ↑jut, ↑prominence, ↑protuberance, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Eminence — may refer to:Places: *In the United States: ** Eminence Township, Logan County, Illinois ** Eminence, Indiana ** Eminence, Kentucky ** Eminence, MissouriAnatomy: *Collateral eminence, alongside the hippocampus in the brain *Cruciform eminence, in … Wikipedia
Frontal bone — Bone: Frontal bone Frontal bone highlighted in red Latin os frontale Gray s … Wikipedia
Frontal crest — Bone: Frontal crest Frontal bone. Inner surface. (Frontal crest visible at center but not labeled.) Latin crista frontalis Gray s … Wikipedia
frontal tuber — tuber frontale [TA] one of the slight rounded prominences on the frontal bone on either side superior to the eyes, forming the most prominent portions of the forehead; called also eminentia frontalis [TA alternative] and frontal eminence … Medical dictionary
frontal bone — noun the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: includes the upper part of the orbits • Syn: ↑os frontale, ↑forehead • Hypernyms: ↑membrane bone • Part Holonyms: ↑cranium, ↑braincase, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
eminence — A circumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface, particularly on a bone surface. SYN: eminentia [TA]. [L. eminentia] abducens e. SYN: facial colliculus. arcuate e. [TA] a prominence … Medical dictionary
Cruciform eminence — Bone: Cruciform eminence Occipital bone. Inner surface. Latin eminentia cruciformis Gray s … Wikipedia
Orbital part of frontal bone — Frontal bone. Outer surface. (The Pars orbitalis is the bottom third.) F … Wikipedia