Hannibal - Rome's Worst Nightmare

Hannibal - Rome's Worst Nightmare

Infobox Television Film
bgcolour =
name = Hannibal

caption = Screenshot from "Hannibal"
format = Drama
runtime = 89 min.
creator =
director = Edward Bazalgette
producer =
writer = Matthew Faulk
Mark Skeet
starring = Alexander Siddig
Bashar Rahal
music =
country = UK
language = English
network = BBC
released = May 14 2006
first_aired =
last_aired =
num_episodes =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website =
imdb_id = 0766213
tv_com_id =
amg_id =

"Hannibal - Rome's Worst Nightmare" is a 2006 television film, made by the British Broadcasting Corporation. It was presented as a dramatised documentary.

As its name suggests, it is about Hannibal, the famous Carthaginian general.

It starred Alexander Siddig in the title role and Bashar Rahal as his brother.

External links

* [http://www.smh.com.au/news/tv-reviews/hannibal-romes-worst-nightmare/2006/04/12/1144521388425.html Review]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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