Gregg Hartsuff

Gregg Hartsuff

Gregg Hartsuff is the head coach of the University of Michigan's men's varsity rowing team. He began his University of Michigan coaching career as the novice men's co-coach in the fall of 1992 and took his present position the following year.

Life and work

Hartsuff's hometown is Gregory, Michigan. He graduated from Stockbridge High School in 1986; he has three sons, Liam, Zander, and Bram, and is recently divorced.

He began his rowing career at Grand Valley State University in 1986, where he rowed for four years. From 1988 to 1990, he co-coached the novice men and women at Grand Valley State. He continued rowing after college and attended a U.S. National Team development camp for lightweight men in 1990.

Hartsuff competed at the United States Nationals and won in the intermediate lightweight men's four and eight crews. In 1991, he was a finalist in the men's pair at the United States Pan American Games Trials. In 2003 he was the National Team's coach for the Men's Heavyweight Single Scull for the World Championships in Milan, Italy, and was also awarded the 2003 Joy of Sculling Coach of the Year award. He continues to row recreationally.

In 2008 Hartsuff coached the Men's Varsity 8 at University of Michigan to the Inaugural American Collegiate Rowing Association National Championship. However, he acknowledges that his Varsity 8 the previous year, in 2007, was the fastest he had ever coached. He claimed to have especially liked this squad because they were hard working over-achievers as opposed to his previously successful crews, who had tended to be underachieving, yet extremely talented prima donnas.



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