Tolypocladium inflatum

Tolypocladium inflatum

name = "Tolypocladium inflatum"
regnum = Fungi
phylum = Ascomycota
classis = "Incertae sedis"
genus = "Tolypocladium"
species = "Tolypocladium inflatum"
binomial = "Tolypocladium inflatum"
binomial_authority = W. Gams

"Tolypocladium inflatum" is a fungus isolated from Norwegian soil that, in certain conditions, produces Ciclosporin (Cyclosporine).

The fungus from which ciclosporin was first isolated was originally misidentified as "Trichoderma polysporum" [Dreyfuss, M., E. Härri, H. Hofmann, H. Kobel, W. Pache, and H. Tscherter. 1976. Cyclosporin A and C: new metabolites from Trichoderma polysporum (Link ex Pers.) Rifai. European Journal of Applied Microbiology 3:125-133.] . Gams later showed that the fungus belonged in a new genus of molds, "Tolypocladium", and he coined the name "Tolypocladium inflatum" for the ciclosporin fungus [Gams, W. 1971. Tolypocladium, eine Hyphomycetengattung mit geschwollenen Phialiden. Persoonia 6:185–191.] . In 1983, Bissett found that "T. inflatum" was the same as "Pachybasium niveum", and since the latter older name has priority under the rules of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, Bissett made the combination "Tolypocladium niveum" [Bissett, J. 1983. Notes on Tolypocladium and related genera. Canadian Journal of Botany 61:1311-1329.] . However, because of the economic importance of the fungus in the pharmaceutical industry, the name "T. inflatum" was later formally conserved to avoid confusion, so today the correct name of the mold that produces ciclosporin is "Tolypocladium inflatum".

In 1996 [ Kathie Hodge] and colleagues determined that the mold "T. inflatum" is the asexual state of "Cordyceps" subsessilis. [Hodge, K. T., S. B. Krasnoff, and R. A. Humber. 1996. Tolypocladium inflatum is the anamorph of Cordyceps subsessilis. Mycologia 88:715-719.] Whereas the sexual "C. subsessilis" state is a pathogen of beetles, the asexual "T. inflatum" state is widely distributed in soils.


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