Cauchy–Schwarz inequality

Cauchy–Schwarz inequality

In mathematics, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, also known as the Schwarz inequality, the Cauchy inequality, or the Cauchy–Schwarz–Bunyakovsky inequality, is a useful inequality encountered in many different settings, such as linear algebra applied to vectors, in analysis applied to infinite series and integration of products, and in probability theory, applied to variances and covariances.

The inequality for sums was published by
*citation|first=A. |last=Cauchy|title= Oeuvres 2, III|page=373|year=1821
*citation|first=S. S. |last=Dragomir|title=A survey on Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz type discrete inequalities|journal=JIPAM. J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math.|volume=4|issue=3|year=2003|pages=142 pp|url=
*citation|first=R.V.|last= Kadison|title= A generalized Schwarz inequality and algebraic invariants for operator algebras|journal=Ann. of Math.|volume=56|year= 1952.
*citation|first=V. |last=Paulsen|title=Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras|publisher= Cambridge University Press|year= 2003.
*citation|first=H. A. |last=Schwarz|year=1888 |pages=318|journal=Acta Societatis scientiarum Fennicae|volume=XV |title=Über ein Flächen kleinsten Flächeninhalts betreffendes Problem der Variationsrechnung|url=
*springer|title=Cauchy inequality|id=C/c020880|first=E.D. |last=Solomentsev
*citation|url= |first=J.M. |last=Steele|title=The Cauchy–Schwarz Master Class|publisher= Cambridge University Press|year=2004|ISBN=052154677X

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  • Schwarz inequality — Math. 1. Also called Cauchy s inequality. the theorem that the inner product of two vectors is less than or equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors. 2. Also called Cauchy Schwarz inequality. the theorem that the square of the… …   Useful english dictionary

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