John Stebbins

John Stebbins

John Stebbins (born 1965) was an American soldier who fought in the Battle of Mogadishu. Though serving as a clerk for the Army Rangers during the Somalia conflict, he joined the fighting and was awarded the Silver Star for his actions. He was mentioned in the book "".

In 2000, he was convicted by court-martial of the molestation and rape of his six-year-old daughter and was imprisoned in Fort Leavenworth for 30 years.

He did not feature in the subsequent film version of the book, instead being replaced with a character named John Grimes played by Ewan MacGregor.

Stebbins is currently serving time at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Elkton, Ohio, is a low security facility housing male offenders. It has an adjacent satellite low that houses low and minimum security male offenders.

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* [ More information]
* [ Internet Movie Database]
* [ US vs. Stebbins]
* [ As darkness nears, a dreaded feeling] - Chapter 23 of , serialized by "The Philadelphia Inquirer"

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