Andreas Wistuba

Andreas Wistuba

Dr. Andreas Wistuba (born March 4, 1967) is a German taxonomist and botanist specialising in the carnivorous plant genera "Heliamphora" and "Nepenthes". Half of all known "Heliamphora" species have been described by Wistuba.


* Nerz, J. & A. Wistuba 1994. [ Five new taxa of "Nepenthes" (Nepenthaceae) from North and West Sumatra] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 23(4): 101114.
* Wistuba, A. & H. Rischer 1996. [ "Nepenthes lavicola", a new species of Nepenthaceae from the Aceh Province in the North of Sumatra] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 25(4): 106111.
* Nerz, J. & A. Wistuba 2000. [ "Heliamphora hispida" (Sarraceniaceae), a new species from Cerro Neblina, Brazil-Venezuela] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 29(2): 3741.
* Wistuba, A., P. Harbarth & T. Carow 2001. [ "Heliamphora folliculata", a new species of "Heliamphora" (Sarraceniaceae) from theLos TestigosTable Mountains in the South of Venezuela] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 30(4): 120125.
* Wistuba, A., T. Carow & P. Harbarth 2002. [ "Heliamphora chimantensis", a New Species of "Heliamphora" (Sarraceniaceae) from theMacizo de Chimantain the South of Venezuela] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 31(3): 7882.
* Carow, T., A. Wistuba & P. Harbarth 2005. [ "Heliamphora sarracenioides", a New Species of "Heliamphora" (Sarraceniaceae) from Venezuela] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 34(1): 46.
* Wistuba, A., T. Carow, P. Harbarth & J. Nerz 2005. "Heliamphora pulchella", eine neue mit "Heliamphora minor" (Sarraceniaceae) verwandte Art aus der Chimanta Region in Venezuela. "Das Taublatt" 53(3): 4250.
* Nerz, J. & A. Wistuba 2006. [ "Heliamphora exappendiculata", a clearly distinct species with unique characteristics] . "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" 35(2): 4351.
* Nerz, J., A. Wistuba & G. Hoogenstrijd 2006. "Heliamphora glabra" (Sarraceniaceae), eine eindrucksvolle "Heliamphora" Art aus dem westlichen Teil des Guayana Schildes. "Das Taublatt" 54: 5870.
* Wistuba, A., J. Nerz & A. Fleischmann 2007. ["Nepenthes flava", a new species of Nepenthaceae from the northern part of Sumatra] . "Blumea" 52: 159163.
* Nerz, J. & A. Wistuba 2007. "Nepenthes mantalingajanensis" (Nepenthaceae), eine bemerkenswerte neue Spezies aus Palawan (Philippinen). "Das Taublatt" 55(3): 1725.

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