Robert Park — Robert Ezra Park (* 14. Februar 1864 in Harveyville, Pennsylvania (USA); † 7. Februar 1944 in Nashville) war ein US amerikanischer Soziologe. Er ist der Begründer der Chicagoer Schule der Soziologie. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Werdegang 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Robert Park — Robert E. Park Pour les articles homonymes, voir Park. Robert Ezra Park, né le 14 février 1864 dans le comté de Luzerne, Pennsylvanie décédé le 7 février 1944 à Nashville, Tennessee, est un sociologue américain, à l origine de la première École… … Wikipédia en Français
Robert Park (football coach) — College coach infobox Name = Robert Park Caption = DateOfBirth = 12 May 1880 Birthplace = Rome, New York, United States DateOfDeath = 22 November 1961 Sport = College football College = Geneva College Title = CurrentRecord = OverallRecord = 4 6 0 … Wikipedia
Robert E. Park — Robert Ezra Park (February 14 1864 ndash;February 7 1944) was an American urban sociologist, one of the main founders of the original Chicago School of sociology.LifePark was born in Harveyville, Pennsylvania, and grew up in Minnesota. He was… … Wikipedia
Robert Ezra Park — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Robert Ezra Park (14 de febrero de 1864 – 7 de febrero de 1944). Sociólogo urbano norteamericano, y uno de los principales fundadores de la Escuela de Sociología de Chicago. Contenido 1 Vida 2 Obra 3 … Wikipedia Español
PARK (R. E.) — PARK ROBERT EZRA (1864 1944) Si William I. Thomas doit être considéré comme le fondateur de l’école sociologique de Chicago, c’est Robert Park qui en devient la figure la plus marquante au cours des années 1920. Ce dernier n’entre pourtant à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Robert J. Sampson — [ Robert J. Sampson] is the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University and Chair of the Department of Sociology. Before joining Harvard he taught in the Department … Wikipedia
Robert Sampson (sociologist) — Robert J. Sampson [ Robert J. Sampson] is the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University and Chair of the Department of Sociology. Before joining Harvard he taught … Wikipedia
Robert P. Mills — Robert Park Mills (1920 1986) was an American crime and science fiction magazine editor.Mills was the managing editor of Ellery Queen s Mystery Magazine beginning in 1948 and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction from its inception in 1949; … Wikipedia
Robert Parks — There are several people called Robert Parks, or similar variants.*W. Robert Parks (1915 ndash;2003), President of Iowa State University *Bobby Parks (cricketer), First class cricketer for Hampshire and Kent *Bobby Parks, American basketball… … Wikipedia