Rainer Zitelmann

Rainer Zitelmann

Rainer Zitelmann (born 1957 in Frankfurt) is a German historian, journalist and management consultant.


Zitelmann studied history and political sciences at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and completed his doctorate in 1986 under Prof. Dr. Karl Otmar Freiherr von Aretin with the grade of "summa cum laude", the subject being the goals of Hitler's social, economic and interior policies. Zitelmann's doctoral dissertation, "Hitler: Selbstverständnis eines Revolutionärs" went through four editions in Germany, and was published in English under the title "Hitler: The Politics of Seduction" (London: London House, 2000).

Next, Zitelmann pursued a career in the conservative print media: Following his work as a research assistant at the Free University of Berlin, he became editorial director for the publishing houses of Ullstein and Propylaeen in 1992. Soon thereafter, he transferred to the German daily "Die Welt" as head of desk for contemporary thought. Later, Zitelmann transferred to the desk for contemporary history and finally to the real estate desk. In 2000, he became an independent consultant for real estate companies, and has devoted his publications exclusively to this field ever since.


Hitler's Sense of Self as a Revolutionary

As a historian, Zitelmann is best known for his argument that Nazi Germany followed a conscious strategy of modernization [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 244.] . In his doctoral thesis, Zitelmann strove to show that the modernising efforts of the Third Reich, already diagnosed by scholars like Ralf Dahrendorf, David Schoenbaum and Henry Ashby Turner were in fact intended as such. Unlike Dahrendorf, Schonebaum and Turner who argued that the modernization of German society during the Nazi period was an unintentional side effect or was merely a necessary adjunct towards achieving profoundly anti-modern goals, Zitelmann argued that modernization of German society was both intended and a central goal of the Nazis [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 244.] . A review published in the Berlin daily "Der Tagesspiegel" dated July 14, 1988, suggests thatthe most important finding of [Zitelmanns] workis the following:Hitler saw himself uncompromisingly as a revolutionary. Dahrendorfs and Schoenbaums hypothesis, according to which national-socialism had a revolutionising and modernising effect in the social area without actually having intended this, needs to be revised.”

In Zitelmann's opinion, the "historization" of National Socialism suggested by Martin Broszat was a way of resolving the problem of either engaging in apologetics about the Nazi era or utter condemnation [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 244.] . Zitelmann sees his work as a way of allowing those living in the present to understand the Nazi period without seeking to total condemnation or apologia [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 244.] . Zitelmann that far from seeking the agrarian fantasies of Heinrich Himmler or Richard Walther Darré, Hitler wished to see a highly industrialized Germany that would be on the leading edge of modern technology [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 pages 244-245.] . Closely linked to the latter goal, was Zitelmann maintains was Hitler's desire to see the destruction of the traditional values and class distinctions of German society and their replacement, for at least those Germans consideredAryanof a relatively egalitarian, merit-based society [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 pages 244-245.] . Zitelmann argued that far being from being incoherent, disorganized, confused and marginal as traditonally viewed, Hitler's social ideas were in fact, very logical and systematic, and at the core of Hitler's "weltanschauung" (worldview) [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 245.] . Zitelmann has argued Hitler was much influenced by the Joseph Stalin's modernization of the Soviet Union , and has argued that as Führer, consciously pursed a revolutionary modernization of German society [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 245.] . As part of his arguments, Zitelmann has maintained that "modernization" should be regarded as "value-free" category, and links with "progress" and humaniarism should be severed [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 page 245.] . Zitelmann's work has faced criticism from those such as Sir Ian Kershaw who have argued that Zitelmann has elevated what were merely secondary considerations in Hitler's remarks to the primary level, and Zitelmann has not offered a clear definition of "modernization" [Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000 pages 246-247.] . The Bonn-based historian Prof. Klaus Hildebrand reviewed the thesis for the German daily "Süddeutsche Zeitung" in its September 29, 1987, issue, saying:To view Hitlerjust like Stalin and Mao Zedongas representatives of a permanent revolution or a modernising dictatorship reopens an academic debate that has been ongoing since the years between the wars of the twentieth century. To be welcomed in this context is that Zitelmann, critically controlling his sources and striving for objective balance, inquires with renewed vigour into Hitlers motives while remaining fully aware of the fact that history fails to coincide with human intentions.”

In his research overview, "The Hitler of History" (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997), the American historian John Lukacs presented Zitelmanns thesis, as well as his book "Hitler. Eine politische Biographie" (Hitler. A Political Biography), as important contributions to the scientific study of Hitler. The echo in specialist journals, such as the "Journal of Modern History" (in a review by Prof. Klemens von Klemperer), and the "Historische Zeitschrift", were predominantly positive. “Rainer Zitelmann has written one of those books that make you wonder why they have not been available much earlier,” Prof. Peter Krüger wrote in the "Historische Zeitschrift", Germanys leading academic journal for historiography. In the historiographic quarterly "Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte", the Polish historian Franciszek Ryszka reached the verdict:Without a doubt, Dr. Zitelmanns merit is to have substantially amended, and possibly surpassed, all other Hitler biographies.” At the same time, critical voices could also be heard, for instance in the German weekly "Die Zeit", dated October 2, 1987. On September 22, 1989, the critical review in "Die Zeit" was followed by another review of the two Hitler studies that, while also containing some critical remarks, came to the overall conclusion that Zitelmann had submitted a Hitler biography that wasemphatically sober, without any superfluous moralising, not omitting any of the dictators villainies.” However, the reviewer suggested, “the image of Hitler drawn by the author [calls for] some amendments and corrections.”

The "American Historical Review" wrote (May 1989):Zitelmanns book is an admirable example of exhaustive scholarship on an important aspect of the mind of Hitler. But it is less likely to stand as a decisive synthesis than as a provocative turn in the pursuit of the eternal enigmas of the Third Reich and its creator.” In the 2/1988 issue of the "Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen", the American historian Prof. Gerhard L. Weinberg wrote:This work will require all who concern themselves with the Third Reich to rethink their own ideas and to reexamine the evidence on which those ideas are based. For any book to do that today is itself a major accomplishment. It would certainly be most unwise for any scholar to ignore the picture of Hitler presented here simply because it does not fit in with his or her own preconceptions.”

In 1991, Zitelmann edited, together with the Bielefeld-based historian Michael Prinz, the anthology "Nationalsozialismus und Modernisierung" (National-Socialism and Modernisation; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft). On September 19, 1991, the weekly "Die Zeit" read:The evidence presented here in order to substantiate the modernisation dynamics of national-socialism are impressive, and they underline how misleading a one-sided view of national-socialism from the perspective of theBlood and soilromanticism would be; the latter having been widely spread, and having essentially contributed to an underrating of national-socialism.” At the same time, the reviewer criticises that the volumes contributing authors had exceeded their mark, and should have given more attention to the NSDAP art policy, for instance. “The problem of national-socialism and modernisation is therefore not to be resolved with a simple formula. It needs to be constantly reconsidered and to be illuminated from various angles.”

Historicising National-Socialism

Zitelmann provoked a mixed reaction with his anthology "Die Schatten der Vergangenheit" (The Shadows of the Past), edited together with Eckhard Jesse and Uwe Backes. Here, the editors sought to respond to Martin Broszats callraised in 1985for a historicising of national-socialism. As the editors emphasize in their introduction, their goal was theobjectification of the discussion of national-socialist timesThe intention is not todownplayanything: Only an emphatically sober historiography, free of moralising bias, can create the foundation for assessing the historical and political-moral dimensions of the mass crimes committed by national-socialism.”

In line with their program to treat the time between 1933 and 1945 as scientifically as any other epoch, this volume gathered a wide spectrum of authors, from the right-wing conservative Ernst Nolte who commented once more on the so-called historiansdispute, all the way to the liberal Imanuel Geiss, a disciple of Fritz Fischer.

As historian Peter Brandt wrote in "Die Welt" dated October 2, 1990:The editors have presented a useful book with many important contributions.” However, he added:A criticism that could be raised is thatin spite of the emphasis on keeping out anyextra-scientificinfluencesa prejudice against the supposedpopular pedagogytreatment of national-socialism had guided the editorsand some of the authorspen.” The editors deserve one hundred percent consent, however, Brandt stated, “as they reject any kind of ban on asking questions.” Historian Brigitte Seebacher-Brandt noted in the "Rheinischer Merkur" on October 5, 1990:In short, this volume casts light on the national-socialist epoch, and inspires a renewed discussion of how to deal with it correctly.” In the November 6, 1990, issue of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the historian Prof. Gregor Schöllgen argued:Some of the essays will (and should) provoke disagreement. Taken as a whole, this meritorious volume represents an unorthodox contribution toward objectifying the discussion of national-socialism, and one ought to take note of it.” The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" of November 23, 1990, commented on "Die Schatten der Vergangenheit" the volume wasperfectly suitable to become the subject of disputeIf it failed to meet this mark, then it would above all be for the reason that only a few readers will be likely to manage to digest the heavy academic fare of the first eighty pages.” What is favourably highlighted by the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" review is Zitelmanns discussion of the historian Ernst Nolte:Exemplary in its objectivity is Rainer Zitelmanns discussion of Ernst Nolte. Zitelmann points out analogies with Marxist theories on fascism, and suggests that it is impermissible to pinpointanti-Bolshevism in a one-sided and generalising manneras the central motive ofthenational-socialists.”

Zitelmann also wrote on the subject ofUmgang mit der NS-Vergangenheit“ (“Dealing with the National-Socialist Past“) in his contribution for the book "Bewusstseinsnotstand. Thesen von 60 Zeitzeugen" ("The Perceptual State of Emergency: Hypotheses by 60 Historic Witnesses"), edited by Rolf Italiaander (Droste-Verlag, 1990). In 1990, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft published another anthology, edited by Zitelmann together with the American historian Ronald Smelser, that offered 22 portraits of the leading figures of the Third Reich. Like Zitelmanns doctoral dissertation, this anthology, which combined authors from several countries, was also published in English translation—"The Nazi Elite" (New York: NYUP, 1993). Reviews of this volume were found, for instance, in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" of September 4, 1990.

=Adenauers Critic: Thomas Dehler=

In 1991, Zitelmanns book "Adenauers Gegner. Streiter für die Einheit" ("Adenauers Opponents: Fighters for Unity") came out, and was published as paperback by Ullstein under the title "Demokraten für Deutschland" ("Democrats for Germany") in 1993. As social democrat politician Erhard Eppler wrote in the preface:Zitelmanns study illustrates that Adenauers opponents were no dreamers out of touch with reality, but had solid arguments and concepts to present.” The book portrays the German social democrat politicians Kurt Schumacher and Gustav Heinemann, as well as the Christian Democrat politician Jakob Kaiser, the liberal politician Thomas Dehler, and the journalist Paul Sethe. On October 7, 1991, the German daily "die tageszeitung" ("taz") wrote:The book comes in the nick of timeprecisely because it does not join in the supposedly up-to-date chorus of Adenauer enthusiasts.” The social democrat politician Peter Glotz wrote in "Die Welt" on April 24, 1991, Zitelmanns book went to showthat Adenauers critics had valid arguments when accusing him of taking Europe more important than the reunification.” Social democrat politician Egon Bahr wrote in "Der Tagesspiegel" of July 28, 1991:What was later called the lived lie of the Federal Republic can be traced in its inception in Zitelmanns book.”

That Zitelmanns sympathies went toward Thomas Dehler more than toward Konrad Adenauer became also evident during an academic panel on December 8, 1997, where he gave a lecture on occasion of Dehlers birthday centennial. This symposium, organised by the "Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" in cooperation with the Liberalsparliamentary group, was documented in the conference notes titled "Thomas Dehler und seine Politik" (Thomas Dehler and His Politics, Berlin: Nicolai Verlag, 1998). Aside from Zitelmanns contribution onThomas Dehler und Konrad Adenauer”, the volume contains contributions by the liberal politicians Hermann Otto Solms, Wolfgang Mischnick and Hans-Dietrich Genscher.

Publications on Real Estate Subjects

Turning his back on political and historical issues, Zitelmann has devoted his publications since 1998 exclusively to real estate economy topics. This reorientation started as he set up a daily real estate page in the daily "Die Welt". In 1999, he published the book "Reich werden mit Immobilien" ("Getting Rich with Real Estate") at Haufe Verlag; then, in 2000, he founded the consulting company Dr. ZitelmannPB. GmbH. In 2005, he published the book "Die Macht der PositionierungKommunikation für Kapitalanlagen" ("The Power of PositioningCommunication in Capital Investment"; Rudolf Müller Verlag, 2005), containing technical essays on topics revolving around the marketing of capital assets and of real estate companies. These essays had originally appeared in magazines such as "Immobilien-Manager", "Immobilien-Zeitung", "Immobilien-Profi" and "Immobilienwirtschaft". Zitelmann also published diverse essays on real estate tax law issues, as well as on open-end and closed-end property funds, in magazines such as "Die Bank". Today, he moreover offers workshop events mainly dedicated to subjects of real estate taxation and property funds.



*Heilbrunn, Jacob "Germany's New Right" pages 80-98 from "Foreign Affairs", Volume 75, Issue #6, November-December 1996
*Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London: Arnold Press, 2000, ISBN 0340 76928 1.
*Lukacs, John "The Hitler of History", New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997, ISBN 0-679-44649-4.

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