USS Monterey

USS Monterey

USS "Monterey" may refer to:

*USS|Monterey|1862, was a screw tug that operated in San Francisco Bay from 1863 to 1892

*USS|Monterey|BM-6, was an armored monitor in service from 1893 to 1921

*USS|Monterey|CVL-26, was a light aircraft carrier of World War II, serving from 1943 to 1956

*USS|Monterey|CG-61, is a guided missile cruiser commissioned in 1990 and currently in active service

*"SS Monterey" (1931), was an ocean liner that saw service as a troopship in World War II and sunk in 2000

*"Monterey", a Matson cruise ship constructed from a 1952 C4 Mariner-class hull formerly named "Free State Mariner"; renamed "Monte" in 2006 to be broken up for scrap in 2007

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  • USS Monterey (CG-61) — Monterey 2006 in der Karibik Geschichte Bestellung 26. November 1984 Kiellegung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Monterey — war der Name mehrerer Schiffe der United States Navy: USS Monterey (BM 6) USS Monterey (CVL 26) USS Monterey (CG 61) Kategorie: Schiffsname der United States Navy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Monterey (CG-61) — For other ships of the same name, see USS Monterey. USS Monterey (CG 61) departs Souda Bay on the island of Crete in Greece. Career (USA) …   Wikipedia

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  • USS Monterey — Несколько кораблей американского флота назывались USS Monterey: USS Monterey (1862)  винтовой буксир, работавший в бухте Сан Франциско с 1863 по 1892 годы; USS Monterey (BM 6)  океанский монитор. На службе с 1893 по 1921 годы; USS… …   Википедия

  • USS Monterey (BM-6) — The second USS Monterey (BM‑6) was a Monterey class monitor. Laid down by Union Iron Works, San Francisco, CA, 20 December 1889; launched 28 April 1891; sponsored by Miss Kate C. Gunn; and commissioned 13 February 1893, Captain Lewis Kempff in… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Monterey (CVL-26) — USS Monterey 1951 im Golf von Mexiko Geschichte Bestellung 21. März 1942 Kielle …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • USS Monterey (1862) — was a steamer purchased by the Union Navy during the American Civil War. She was used by the Union Navy as a tugboat for several decades on the U.S. West Coast. Monterey , a steam screw tug, was built as Monitor in 1862 by Eden Landing, San… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Monterey (CVL-26) — 6° 13′ 00″ N 151° 19′ 01″ E / 6.21667, 151.317 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • USS Monterey (CVL-26) — The USS Monterey (CVL 26) was an Independence class light aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, in service during World War II and used in training for several years thereafter.Originally laid down as light cruiser Dayton (CL 78) on 29… …   Wikipedia

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