civil law — civil law, adj. 1. the body of laws of a state or nation regulating ordinary private matters, as distinct from laws regulating criminal, political, or military matters. 2. Rom. Hist. the body of law proper to the city or state of Rome, as… … Universalium
Bigamy (in Civil Law) — Bigamy (in Civil Jurisprudence) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Bigamy (in Civil Jurisprudence) (Fr. bigamie, from Lat. bis, twice, and Gr. gamos, marriage) Bigamy, in civil jurisprudence, and especially in criminal law, is a formal… … Catholic encyclopedia
servitude — ser·vi·tude / sər və ˌtüd, ˌtyüd/ n 1: a condition in which an individual lacks liberty esp. to determine his or her course of action or way of life; specif: the state of being a slave involuntary servitude see also amendment xiii and amendment… … Law dictionary
Influence of the Church on Civil Law — Influence of the Church on Civil Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Influence of the Church on Civil Law Christianity is essentially an ethical religion; and, although its moral principles were meant directly for the elevation of the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Servitude — may refer to:* Service * Conscription * Employment * Slavery * Indentured servitude * Involuntary servitude * Penal servitude * Servitude (BDSM) * Equitable servitude, a term of real estate law * Servitude in civil law … Wikipedia
servitude — The state of a person who is subjected, voluntarily or otherwise, to another person as his servant. A charge or burden resting upon one estate for the benefit or advantage of another; a species of incorporeal right derived from the civil law (see … Black's law dictionary
servitude — /serr vi toohd , tyoohd /, n. 1. slavery or bondage of any kind: political or intellectual servitude. 2. compulsory service or labor as a punishment for criminals: penal servitude. 3. Law. a right possessed by one person to use another s property … Universalium
servitude — The term of the civil law for easement. The right of the owner of one parcel of land, by reason of his ownership, to use the land of another for a special purpose of his own, not inconsistent with the general property in the other person.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Civil Rights Act De 1875 — Le Civil Rights Act (loi des droits civiques) de 1875 est une loi votée par le Congrès des États Unis. Voté pendant la période de la Reconstruction, après la guerre de Sécession, il est destiné à assurer l égalité civile aux noirs, notamment aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Civil rights act de 1875 — Le Civil Rights Act (loi des droits civiques) de 1875 est une loi votée par le Congrès des États Unis. Voté pendant la période de la Reconstruction, après la guerre de Sécession, il est destiné à assurer l égalité civile aux noirs, notamment aux… … Wikipédia en Français