List of botanical gardens in Canada

List of botanical gardens in Canada


*Alberta Horticultural Research Center:Route 1:Brooks Alberta

*Calgary Devonian Gardens:TD Square, Calgary:Established 1977

*Devonian Botanical Garden :University of Alberta :Edmonton Alberta T6G ElF:Established 1959

*Nikka Yuko Centennial Garden :POB 751:Lethbridge Alberta TlJ 3Z6:Established 1967:Japanese Gardens

*Muttart Conservatory:POB 2359 98 Avenue and 96A Street :Edmonton Alberta

*Swimming Point Botanical Garden :Swimming Point Reindeer Corral :Richards Island Alberta :Established 1975:Native Arctic Plants:World's most northern Botanical Garden

British Columbia

*Butchart Gardens:POB 4010 Station A:Victoria B.C. V8X 3X4:Established 1904:35 acres

*Crown Forest Industries Arboretum and Museum:Route 1 Ladysmith British Columbia

*Park and Tilford Gardens :1200 Cotton Road:North Vancouver B.C. V7J Lcl:Established 1969:3 acres

*Queen Elizabeth Park :Bloedel Floral Conservatory :2088 Beach Avenue:Vancouver B.C. V6G lZ5 :Established 1939,1969

*Summerland Research Station :Summerland B.C. VOH LZO:Established 1916:200 taxa

*UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research:2075 Westbrook Place :Vancouver B.C. V6T lW5:Established 1916:11O acres

*VanDusen Botanical Garden :5251 Oak Street:Vancouver B.C. :5000 taxa on convert|55.5|acre|m2

*Woodland Gardens Arboretum:172nd Street:Surrey British Columbia


*Assiniboine Park:2355 Corydon Avenue :Winnipeg Manitoba R3P OR5 :Established 1904 :200 taxa on convert|375|acre|km2|1

*Manitoba Horticultural Association Arboretum:Canadian Loop Road:Boissevain, Manitoba

*Morden Research Station :POB 3001:Morden, Manitoba ROG LJO:Established 1915:3500 taxa 5000 plants :Open May - September

New Brunswick

* [ The Fredericton Botanic Garden] :Located adjacent to Odell Park:Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y2:Open year-round

*The New Brunswick Botanical Garden:Saint-Jacques, NB E7B 1A3

*Kingsbrae Horticultural Garden:St. Andrews NB E5B 1Y8


*Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden :Memorial University :St. John's Newfoundland :AlC 557:Established 1971:Open May 1 - September 30

Nova Scotia

* [ Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens] :Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia
* [ Nova Scotia Agricultural College] :Bible Hill:Truro Nova Scotia

*Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens


*Allan Gardens:19 Horticultural Avenue :Toronto Ontario M5A 2P2
* [ Toronto Botanical Garden]
* [ Brickman's Botanical Gardens] :RR# 1 Sebringville Ontario N0K 1X0:2000 species

*Centennial Botanical Conservatory :950 Memorial Avenue :Thunder Bay Ontario P7B 4A2

*Dominion Arboretum:Central Experimental Farm:Ottawa Ontario KIA OC6:Established 1886:2000 taxa
* [ Great Lakes Forest Research Center Arboretum] :1219 Queen Street East:Sault Saint Marie Ontario :P6A 5M7 :Established 1971

*Humber College Arboretum :205 Humber College Blvd. :Rexdale Ontario M9W 5L7:250 taxa on convert|300|acre|km2|1

*Lauber Arboretum :RR 1:Kakabeka Falls Ontario :POT 1W0

*Metro Toronto Parks Commission
**Edwards Gardens
**James Gardens
**Toronto Islands:439 University Avenue :Toronto Ontario

*Niagara Parks Commission :POB 15O:Niagara Falls Ontario :Established 1936:3000 acres (6 km²)
* [ Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens] :155 Arena St:Oshawa Ontario:Home of the Wally Gilbert Peony Collection

*Parkwood, The R.S. McLaughlin Estate National Historic Site and Heritage Garden :270 Simcoe Street North:Oshawa Ontario L1G 4T5:Established 1920's:12 acres on Parkwood Estate ground

*Royal Botanical Gardens :680 Plains Road West:Burlington Ontario L8N 3H8:Established 1930:6500 taxa on 2000 acres (8 km²)

*Sifton Botanical Bog:Oxford Street West:London Ontario

*University of Guelph Arboretum :Guelph Ontario NlG 2Wl:Established 1968:330 acres

*University of Toronto :Erindale College Conservatory :Mississauga Road North :Mississauga Ontario

*Toronto Zoo :POB 280:West Hill Ontario :Established 1973 :750 acres (3 km²)

*University of Western Ontario :Sherwood Fox Arboretum :Biology Geology Building :London Ontario:3836 trees and shrubs

*Vineland Research Station :Vineland Ontario LOR 2EO


*Belle Terre Botanic Garden:Otter Lake Quebec
* [ Jardin de Metis] :cp 242:Mont-Joli Quebec G5H 3Ll

*Jardin Van Den Hende :Faculte d' Agriculture :Université Laval :Ste-Foy Quebec GlK 7P4 :2000 species :Established 1978

*Montreal Botanical Gardens:4101 est Rue Sherbrooke :Montreal Quebec HlX 2B2:20,000 plants on convert|180|acre|km2|1 :Established 1931

*Mont Royal Park:500 acres (2 km²):Established 1872

*Man and His World:Notre Dame Island:40 acres:Established 1967

*Morgan Arboretum:Macdonald Campus of McGill University:PO Box 500:Ste Anne de Belleview Quebec H9X 2B2:600 acres:Established 1952


*PFRA Tree Nursery:Indian Head Saskatchewan SOG 2KO:200 taxa:Established (Ross Arboretum) 1942

*University of Saskatchewan Gardens :Saskatoon Saskatchewan

*Wascana Centre Authority :3475 Albert Street POB 7111:Regina Saskatchewan S4P 357

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