IMCS can refer to any of the following:
*The Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, an oceanographic institute located at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
*International Mornington Crescent Society, the rulemaking body of Mornington Crescent, a game
*Indexed Mast Curve System, a measuring system for stiffness in masts intended for windsurfing
*International Movement of Catholic Students, an International Association of Catholic university students based in Paris, France. The International Secretariat is presently located in Geneva, Switzerland.
* [ Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science] , IMCS is a department of Maths and Computer Science studies in [ University of Sindh, Jamshsoro, Sindh, Pakistan] . It offers different undergraduate and post graduate course both in Maths and CS. "By: Mir Faisal Talpur"

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