List of Samurai Deeper Kyo chapters

List of Samurai Deeper Kyo chapters

"Samurai Deeper Kyo" manga summaries by volume.

Volume 1

Mibu Kyoshiro is seen looking at a poster that lists out the bounty for Demon Eyes Kyo. He notices that the reward is 1 million ryo and says that the money should be used to take care of the people instead. He continues traveling. Along the way, Shiina Yuya, mistaking Mibu Kyoshiro for Demon Eyes Kyo, attempts to claim the bounty. She realizes her mistake after she catches Mibu Kyoshiro. Then she notices that Mibu Kyoshiro has a bounty of 100 mon on his head.

Yuya drags(literally) Kyoshiro to a town, hoping to claim the bounty. They are ambushed by the villagers, who mistook them for bandits. Yuya agrees to help them hunt down the bandits and forces Kyoshiro (and the rest of the village to help. The bandits, Banji and Touji seemed to have picked up on their plan and brought back up. Kyoshiro is beaten up by the bandits. Right when he was about to be killed, His eyes turn red. In one swift move, he cuts one of the bandits in half. His feature change, and he now has taken the form of Demon Eyes Kyo. He effortlessly cuts through the bandits without suffering one scratch. He then threatens to Kill Yuya, but changes his mind. He says he will aid Yuya since he finds her amusing. He then appears to have a headache. He sheaths his sword and changes back into Kyoshiro. Yuya decides to follow him, hoping to claim the 1 million ryo bounty on Demon Eyes Kyo and the 100 mon on Kyoshiro.

After traveling for a few days, they finally arrive at a town. The town was ruled by a coorrupt person, who had a deadly bodyguard named Jimon. The bodyguard mistook Kyoshiro for Kyo and attacks him. Kyoshiro and Yuya manage to get away to another town.

Volume 2

Kyo easily defeats the Daikan's bodyguard, and then Okuni tells Kyo that "he" is alive. Kyo attempts to kill Okuni, but she escapes. There is a brief story arc where Yuya shuts down a con organization exploiting children. This is the last time Yuya does any useful fighting. Yuya and Kyoshiro later encounter an old woman who owns some property rumored to have buried treasure. Greedy Yuya agrees to help her, hoping to get in on the gold. As it turns out, the old woman has been harassed by the Three Color Gang, made up of Shiorikarasu (white crow), Kurosasori (Black Scorpion), and the mysterious Benitora (red tiger). The three color gang's leader is a man named Genma Kidou, who knows "him". When collecting wood in the forest for the unnamed old woman, Kyoshiro is attacked by Kurosasori, but manages to buy time by pretending to be Kyo, and is saved when he accidentally falls off a cliff onto a hanging branch. Kyoshiro is rescued by Benitora, who wants to spar with Kyo. Kyoshiro agrees to spar with him, thinking Benitora is a goofy weakling, but is proven wrong when Benitora effortlessly blows up boulders and splits himself into several clones ("shadows").

Things to remember from Volume 2: "him", Benitora

Volume 3

Kyoshiro seems to be in trouble, but Benitora stops his attack when he realizes he has accidentally broken his own rules to their sparring game. He then immediately joins Kyoshiro because his side looks more interesting. Benitora instantly falls in love with Yuya, but she is only interested in the bounty on his head, which is considerably large, although small in comparison with Kyo's.

Okuni permanently awakens Kyo by mentioning the name "Sakuya," who was apparently a woman who loved Kyo. Shiorikarasu (White Crow) kills Kurosasori (Black Scorpion), and then fights Kyo with an illusion, but is killed by Kyo's mirage technique, Shin, another technique from the Mumyojin school. Genma is then the only one left, but Benitora kills him effortlessly with his spear.

Afterwards, it is revealed that the only man to ever defeat Kyo was actually Kyoshiro, and according to Kyo, Kyoshiro actually has killed many people too, and deep down is also black hearted, but Yuya finds this difficult to believe. The group continues on to Edo where some men in a teahouse debate who is the strongest warrior. A drunk named Genjiro suggests Yukimura Sanada, but Kyo disagrees and suggests himself.

Kyo is about to settle the debate with his sword, when Genjiro grabs it without Kyo realizing it. Later Kyo muses about Genjiro's skills, which are considerable.

Later, in a brothel, Genjiro demands Kyo kill Ieyasu for him and that if he does, he'll tell Kyo where to get his body back. He also knows Kyo's weakness. At the same time, Hanzo, leader of the ninjas of Iga, discusses with Ieyasu the problem of Sanada Yukimura. It seems that he has escaped from prison and is nearby, plotting to kill Ieyasu. The ninjas of Iga break into the brothel and attack Genjiro and Kyo, showing that Genjiro is actually Yukimura. Kyo and Yukimura easily kill the ninjas, but a mysterious woman, Mahiro, is about to attack.

Things to remember: Yukimura, the Sanada house, Ninjas of Iga, Hanzo Hattori, Mahiro, Tokugawa Ieyasu, "him"

Volume 4

Yukimura is unable to convince Kyo to kill Ieyasu for him, even though Yukimura will tell Kyo where his body is if he does. Kyo storms off and is attacked by Mahiro, a woman from his past. Her appearance changes his mind, and after she disappears, he tells Yukimura he'll fight in the tournament for him. Kyo, Yukimura, and Benitora join the tournament, where there are a lot of shady characters. They fight with bokuto, wooden swords, and the losers are killed later. Kyo, Benitora, Yukimura, three assassins, one of which works for a warlord named Date Masamune, another enemy of Ieyasu, a swordmaster, and a strange man in a beast mask advance.

Hanzo expresses concern to Ieyasu about Yukimura's presence in the tournament, as Yukimura is Ieyasu's most feared enemy. They also discuss Ieyasu's succession. Ieyasu plans to have Hidetada as his successor instead of his other two more qualified sons. All of the main characters win their matches. Yukimura's match is with the man in the beast mask, who turns out to be his own brother working as Ieyasu's bodyguard. Kyo chases down Ieyasu into the building and demands to know where the real Ieyasu is. The one seen throughout this volume has been a body double.

Things to remember: Date Masamune, Hidetada

Volume 5

The identity of the true Ieyasu is revealed and Kyo casually wipes away many Iga Ninjas. Impressed by his skills Ieyasu proposes him to join his army at which Kyo reacts with disdain. Bombs planted by Yukimura's men explode and the hall collapses with Kyo inside, Yuya is distraught that she'll never see him again. As always Kyo appears out of the debris, quite unfazed and so does Ieyasu. Yukimura complains that Kyo has not kept his end of the bargain so he'll only tell him where his body is located if Kyo defeats him in combat. Kyo wins, though narrowly and his body is revealed to be hidden in the cursed forest of Aokigahara located at the base of Mt Fuji.

The fights are over, so Benitora wonders why Kyo is lingering in Edo and not setting out for Aokigahara. Okuni appears once again to reveal that Kyo is in fact looking for--Sakuya which Kyo denies. They finally set out for their journey to Mount Fuji and Yuya seems to be jealous of Okuni spending time with Kyo, which is a reciprocal feeling from Okuni. Okuni questions Kyo on why he has allowed Yuya to accompany him: Is it because she reassembles Sakuya in some inexplicable way or something else. She warns him that his old enemies as well one of his old friends are on his tail, and they will not spare Yuya.

Meanwhile Yuya has met a puzzling but polite blind man who is looking for Kyo. She brings him to the hotel and Benitora interrupts their conversation by claiming that the blind man is dangerous. A fight breaks, out of which Benitora comes off worse, but Akira leaves the fight in midway when three of his companions turn up. As a parting shot he tells Yuya that he knows the man with the scar on his back, but Kyo knows him even better.

Determined to follow Kyo into Aokigahara after hearing this Yuya is angry when Kyo asks her to go home. She storms away in rage and decides to go ask Akira instead on what he knows and gets lost in the forest. Meanwhile Benitora has grown tired of waiting for Yuya and complains to Okuni who tells him that she has probably gone to the forest on her own. Kyo makes a remark about how stupid she is, and goes in after her.

Yuya, after getting lost, is attacked in the forest by creatures that at first appear to be small children. Kyo comes to her rescue. During the fight, Kyo's kimono is torn, and a large cross shaped scar is seen on his back.Things to remember: Four Emperors, 12 ruling shoguns, Akira

Volume 6

Yuya asks Kyo whether it's him or Kyoshiro who has killed her brother. Kyo asks her if he says no, will she believe him. Will she believe the words of a man who has murdered 1000 people? Yuya says no, but says she'll believe in Kyo's words because she trusts him. Kyo replies that she's an annoying girl and to hurry up to follow him because if somebody else gets to his body before him it would complicate matters. He tells her to ask Kyoshiro the truth when he appears.Benitora faces Mekira, an old friend of his who is now one 12 ruling shoguns and defeats him with the Eight Sun technique.

Yukimura leaves and goes to visit Sakuya. On the way there, He is attack by bounty hunters. Yukimura easily kills them with a fishing rod.

Demon Eyes Kyo and Yuya arrive at an ice fortress. What they find is a trap made by Kubira of the 12. He knows about Kyo's weakness and sends an unlimited wave of puppets to attack Kyo. After 10 minutes, Kyo can barely stand and Kubira beats him up. Right before the fatal blow, Kyoshiro emerges and takes over the fight. Kubira sends more puppets but they are all destroyed. He then sends exact imitations of Kyo to attack Kyoshiro. Kyoshiro easily destroys the puppets and cuts Kubira to pieces. Kyoshiro and Yuya leave the cave.

But Kubira was still alive, imitating one of his puppets. Akira arrives. Kubira tells Akira that he had found out why "The Master" wants Kyo's body. Akira kills Kubira.

Kyo and Yuya have made it to the second part of the forest. There they encounter Sasuke, one of the Sanada 10. Yuya asks Kyo if Kyoshiro was the one that "killed" Kubira. Kyo answers yes and says that Kyoshiro says 'goodbye to all of them.'

Volume 7

Sasuke tells Kyo that Muramasa only made four demonblades. The others were plain swords. They both have Tenro (Sky Wolf), one of the demonblades, but only one can be real. They test the blades. Kyo's is the real one while Sasuke's is only a normal sword.

Benitora and Okuni meet Akira again in the forest. Benitora and Akira fight a little. Akira then reveals the identity of "The Master" to them.

Bikara of the 12 shows up and attacks Kyo. Kyo seems to be winning at first but loses. He was defeated for the first time in 4 years. Kyo then shows his true power and beats Bikara to near-death. Shindara and Antera show up to save Bikara and to kidnap Yuya. They disappear and head for the slope.

Benitora and Okuni meet up with Kyo and Sasuke. Benitora and Sasuke are about to kill each other when Sanada Yukimura appears! They continue to travel when assassins appear. The assassins were easily killed. Haira and Makora of the 12 show up and challenge them. One assassin is still alive and Yukimura lets him run. Haira kills the assassin and says all hinchmen are to be discarded after use. This angered Yukimura. He jumps up and cuts off Haira's arm.

Volume 8

Yukimura faces Haira in a fight to the death. Haira tries to kill Yukimura by tossing a giant boulder at Yukimura and then running behind the boulder. If Yukimura tried to dodge, he would be killed by Haira. But Yukimura does something else, he cuts the boulder and Haira in half with one attack.

On the slopes of Hell, Yuya remembers that Kyoshiro was the one that killed her brother. Akira arrives and wakes all of them from an illusion created by the slopes of hell. They continue to travel and arrive at the Land of the Fire Lotus, a place that looked like a paradise.

Kyo, Yukimura, Sasuke and Benitora face Makora of the 12. Makora reveals himself to be Sasuke's friend, Kotaro. He then escapes. The group continue and finally arrive at the gates of hell. the gates open and people who had been living there greet them. They were invited to a feast, but Kyo sees through their illusion. The humans were actually forest dwellers and the gates were fake. Kyo easily emits an aura and stops them from killing anyone.

The gate keeper to the real gates of hell arrive and tell them that a man called the Crimson King showed the forest dwellers how to live. They arrive at the gates, only to be attacked by 4 statues which had keys to the gates of hell. Kyo easily defeats the 4 statues. The gate keeper says that Kyo is the Crimson King. Kyo says he isn't the Crimson King.

One of the forest dwellers arrive and say that the entire village had been destroyed. The forest dweller falls to the ground and dies. The Master is behind the forest dweller. He is accompanied by Basara and Santera. Kyo and the Master fight. Okuni is revealed to be Indara of the 12. The Master delivers a fatal strike to Kyo, but Okuni blocks it. Kyo then continues to fight the master while the others treat Okuni's wound. The Master reveals himself to be Oda Nobunaga.

Volume 9

The battle rages on in Aokigahara! Kyo unleashes the Mizuchi on Nobunaga. Using his Chi, Nobunaga blocks the Mizuchi and uses the "Demon hand of Bone", which sends a wave of energy at Kyo. Kyo barely survives the attack. Benitora steps in to take Kyo's place while Kyo recovers.

Yukimura dodges Basara's hails of arrows. Each time he dodges barely in time. Yukimura charges at Basara, only to be hit by arrows falling from the sky. Sarutobi Sasuke sees this and blocks the next wave of arrows fired at Yukimura. Sasuke takes two arrows in the stomach. Fueled by anger, Yukimura fights on. Basara fires over 50 arrows at Yukimura at a time. Yukimura easily blocks them all and cuts Basara in half. Sasuke sneaks behind Santera and knocks her out.

Benitora, exhausted from fighting with Nobunaga, uses his ultimate technique, the Reverse Hassun. The attack kills Nobunaga's horse and knocks Nobunaga to the ground. Kyo takes over. He exchanges blows with Nobunaga, until Kyoshiro takes control! Nobunaga reveals Kyoshiro to be one of the Mibu, a secret clan that has been manipulating the world from the shadows. Kyoshiro says he has already left the Mibu Clan. Nobunaga angers Kyoshiro and suffers several attacks. Kyoshiro raises his sword and prepares to kill Nobunaga.

Volume 10

Kyoshiro and Nobunaga battle on, and Kyoshiro has the advantage. He is dodging all of Nobunaga's blows and is hitting with every one of his own. Still, blinded by ambition and power, Nobunaga fights on as if he will win despite his disadvantage. Kyoshiro then unleashes the Mizuchi, but unlike Kyo's, he is not limited by his body or soul and is able to call forth a Mizuchi from the True Mumyoujinpu Ryuu. He hits Nobunaga full on. Gravely wounded, Nobunaga kneels while Kyoshiro prepares to deliver the deathblow. Just then, however, Demon Eyes Kyo suddenly begins to fight for control, and Kyoshiro loses. Suddenly unable to fight, Kyoshiro falls to his knees and Nobunaga, declaring that Heaven is on his side, raises his arm to strike. They are interrupted, however, when the Gates of Hell open and Bikara appears, who is quickly frozen by Akira coming out from behind him. He claims to have taken Kyo's body; and the life of Shiina Yuya as well.

Angry, the newly surfaced Demon Eyes Kyo strikes at him, and Akira and Kyo duel. Nobunaga interrupts and uses the Tenma Mukurode on Akira, but Akira easily throws aside the attack. He turns to kill Nobunaga, but is impeded by Shindara. Yuya and Antera then enter from the Gates, very much alive. A flashback to the cave occurs, and Yuya is seen freeing Shindara and Antera from Akira's ice with a large boulder. Akira then leaves, disappearing in a column of ice, telling Kyo to pursue him and recover his body if he can. Kyo and Nobunaga finish their duel, with Kyo the victor. During the celebration, however, Nobunaga's head is suddenly found to be missing. The book cuts to Shindara, Antera, and Kotaro, who are travelling to the heart of the forest to the Mibu Clan.

Later, Kyo and the others are seen walking down a street at night when they are greeted by Shindara, who is revealed to be the Former Sarutobi Sasuke. He tells them of their plan to resurrect Nobunaga, and that Kyo and Kyoshiro would die. After he leaves, Yukimura tells Kyo that he has learned that Akira is headed to Kyoto with Kyo's body.

In Mt. Kudo, Kosuke looks for Sakuya, but finds a note-Sakuya has gone to Kyoto.

Benitora and Sasuke also meet a mysterious figure who identifies himself as Bontenmaru. Sasuke takes him on, but Bontenmaru is apparently very powerful and deflects Sasuke away like a fly.

Volume 11

As Yukimura suddenly interrupts Bontenmaru and Sasuke's fight, Bontenmaru is revealed to be Date Masamune, the "Oda Nobunaga of the North." Kyo suddenly appears on the scene, and the two seem to know each other. They proceed to battle and Bontenmaru amazingly appears to have the upper hand, despite the fact that he is using nothing but a bokken. He then reveals himself to be one of the Four Emperors, right along with Akira. Kyo then gets angry and cleaves Bontenmaru's wooden sword in half, and the battle ends for the moment. He then tells Kyo that a person named Muramasa has summoned him, and that he is dying.

Once they reach Muramasa's house, they are suddenly attacked by a large number of Mibu assassins, who are obliterated by Kyo and Bontenmaru. A Mibu suddenly appears at Muramasa's door, and is promptly killed by a Mizuchi, though Kyo did not use one. Muramasa then appears behind him, and scares everyone with his uncanny ability to read minds (Satori). He reveals himself to be one of the Mibu, and the teacher of Kyo and a current master of Mumyoujinpu Ryuu.

Kyo travels into the forest, and Muramasa follows him. There, they are assaulted by Shinrei, one of the Mibu "Five Stars:" an elite band of Mibu warriors. He proves himself to be vastly superior to Kyo's followers, and he and Kyo begin battle. Kyo appears to have the upper hand, but somehow, Shinrei hits him with a strike that Kyo appeared to have dodged.

The book then cuts to a side story of Yukimura, in which he tells of a tale of his past. He loved a girl named Mizuki, when he was a carefree samurai who was happy-go-lucky and had no intent of becoming a leader. However, when the Tokugawa suddenly attack their town, Mizuki is killed and Yukimura realizes that what he had been living was nothing more than a foolish dream. He commits himself to becoming a powerful samurai and a master tactician, and defeat the Tokugawa in the name of the Sanada.

Volume 12

After a short fight, Kyo gains the upper hand and cuts Shinrei down the chest, also shattering his swords. Shinrei then pulls a sword from his own blood, pushing back Kyo until Muramasa steps in and reveals he was one of the "four elders" of the mibu. Using the true Mizuchi he defeats Shinrei but uses up all his strength to do so. Shinrei plants his "waterwyrm" in Yuya's blood before leaving, giving her 60 days to live.

Benitora and Sasuke tell Kyo they are leaving for Edo while Yukimura informs them he leaves for mount Kurama and Okuni goes to Edo, all for different purposes but in order to help Yuya and grow stronger. Yuya is shocked to see a completely healed and revived Muramasa as he asks to teach Kyo the remaining Mumyojinpuu techniques. They leave to train in a cave until Kyo learns the techniques, revealing along the way that Kyoshiro once learnt the very same techniques Kyo is to learn.

While Benitora talks to his father in Edo, Sasuke reveals to Mahiro and some other Iga ninja that he has Tenro's "twin" sword, Muramasa's Shibien, a black sword hungry for blood. The castle is then attacked by two Mibu warriors leading a team of underlings. Benitora takes the first warrior, but his spear gets shattered by the shear strength of the Mibu. A shining light then strikes the ground as the Tokugawa's treasure, Muramasa's Hokurakshimon, the demon spear appears before Benitora. He accepts his fathers gift to him, at the risk of losing his strength to the spear.

Volume 13

In the Mibu castle the five stars review the current situation. Shinrei apologizes for not killing Kyo but the relaxed hippyish Chinmei says there's no need for punishment. The hooded Keikoku (Hotaru) accuses Chinmei of confusing things but the two nurses, Saishi and Saisei tell him to relax, talking in unison. the stern Taihaku says nothing and Keikoku is sent to defeat Kyo.

Benitora and Sasuke eventually defeat the Mibu and Sasuke tells Ieyasu that Yukimura has declined his offer to join forces, the secret reason for his going to Edo. Yuya and Bontenmaru discus matters while Okuni gives her life in exchange for Akira's returning Kyo's body in Kyoto. Keikoku interrupts Yuya and Bontenmarus conversation and reveals that he was once one of the four emperors, Kyo's team mate Hotaru. Hotaru and Bontenmaru fight but are inturupted by Tenro, as Kyo exits the cave carrying Muramasa.

Volume 14

Kyo fights Hotaru, eventually having to use one of his newly learnt techniques, Suzaku, the immortal Phoenix, leaving Hotaru without the use of his left arm. Chinmei enters and stops the fight to take Hotaru home. Hotaru refuses but is overpowered by Chinmei in on the blow. He carries him off and tells Kyo to visit the Crimson king at the temple of Yin&Yang in the centre of the Mibu village to find out the secrets of his birth.

Kyo, Bon and Yuya make plans to leave for the Mibu city, but before they leave Muramasa pulls Kyo aside and talks to him while he fades away, spending his last minuets on earth with his pupil.Far away on the trail from Edo, Mahiro feels a pain as her "brother" dies. She leaves for a while as Sasuke walks of to find Kotaru. After Kotaru leaves, telling Sasuke to follow him to the Mibu, the three meet up again and resume their travels.

Akira finds Kyo, Bon and Yuya and askes to join them, promising Kyo his body and that he wants to help them now. He shows them Kyo's true body but it is trapped in the ice and must be set free by the one who cast the spell, the Crimson king.Taihaku reveals to Hotaru and Shinrei that both Kyo and Kyoshiro were in line to be the next crimson king.

An encounter with Saishi and Saisei, the "wood" of the five stars, leaves Yuya with only twelve hours left to live and Kyo without a key to the gates of Hell. Akira and Bontenmaru defeat their minions, lifeless zombies, with a fusion attack from their times in the 4 emperors but cannot defeat the "devils in white."

Kyo breaks down the gates by force and the four of them venture into the lands of the Mibu.

Volume 15

In the land of the Mibu, Kyo fights the explosive Kitsunbe, who winds Kyo up by disrespecting Muramasa. He defeats him with the true Mizuchi. Yuya hears about Muramasa's death and slaps Kyo for not telling her. Almost straight away they are thrown into another fight, this time with literally thousands of Mibu warriors. However they give them passing when Yuya proves to them that Kyo didn't kill him, and instead died happily. After passing the crowds Akira and Bontenmaru fall into a pit hole leading to Tokito's realm.

Kyo carries Yuya off to the first shining gate while Bontenmaru fights with Tokito of the 4 elders, also Muramasa's son. Their fight is interrupted when Tokito is summoned by the Crimson king.After opening the first gate Kyo is attacked by Hotaru's copy of the Suzaku, a poorly made fire bird. Kyo brushes it aside and sets down Yuya while he and Hotaru fight.

Benitora, Mahiro and Sasuke follow a path deep below the forest. After seeing Haku (the dog) fall to the ground Sasuke commands the others to cover their mouths but is too late as all but he start to feel the effects of the paralysing poison contaminating the air. A battle with the Mibu Dr White explains Sasuke's origins and reveals the lab where the forest denizens are made. It is revealed that Sasuke is a rare specimen and that the forest specimens have a life expectancy of only 15 years, meaning Kotaru is close to death.

Sasuke renounces his own life in order to land a vital blow to Dr White, inflicting dangerous wounds on himself. A mysterious figure resembling Yukimura defeats the doctor and helps the unconscious Sasuke. When Mahiro and Benitora regain control of their bodies they find Sasuke's wounds bandaged and the doctor cut in half. The specimens are destroyed as the tunnel collapses in on itself while Benitora, Mahiro, Haku and Sasuke escape and promise to avenge their deaths.

Volume 16

Shinrei and Chinmei confront Yukimura as to his "return" to the Mibu, and his betrayal of Demon eyes Kyo. He simply replies that he wants to rule, at any cost. Hotaru threatens to kill Yuya to push Kyo into using the true Mizuchi and revealing his strength.

Deep below the battle Bontenmaru and Akira discus Hotaru and flashback to a time when he refused to take Akira's food, claiming to need no one. Hotaru blocks the Mizuchi with flames and the old friends fight for real. Hotaru explains how he is different from Shinrei when Kyo compares them, claiming not to serve the Crimson king like Shinrei does, but instead serve the Mibu so he can gain enough power to kill the Crimson King. Hotaru creates a fire that burns black, and uses the "Come, king of Hell" technique to knock Kyo out. Hotaru explains to Yuya that he is Shinrei's brother and that is why he compeats with him.

Back at the Mibu castle, Taihaku plays with some Forest children while Shinrei watches, saying he will not report him for his compasion for the children. Bontenmaru and Akira force their way through the earth, back to Kyo to find him unconscious. Akira gets mad and shoots Ice at Hotaru, but his aura is overwhelmed by the Demon behind him, Kyo rises to face Hotaru again.

He and Hotaru fight using their strongest techniques and the two fall. Eventually Hotaru stands but falls again as Kyo gets up. Hotaru submits and accepts his defeat, asking Kyo to finish it. Kyo doesn't kill him but instead tells him to become his servant. Hotaru refuses, for the moment, telling him he will catch up after some rest. After a brief fight with Yukimura, who has now joined the Mibu, Kyo faces Saishi and Saisei.

Volume 17

Kyo faces two of the greatest warriors in history, Benkei and Ushiwakamaru, two of Saisei and Saishi's zombies. Akira takes over and defeats the two. Bontenmaru reveals that Akira has the eye of the heart, and he blinded himself intentionally to push himself the last bit, as he was not of samurai blood. Akira fights more "zombie chicks". After a flashback where Shinrei asks Saisei not to die, she gets serious and reveals herself to be Tomoe Gozen, another of Saishi's zombies.

Using a technique where Akira's attacks are turned on himself, Saisei breaks Akira's ice fortress. Eventually Akira works out that stabbing himself will defeat her and she retreats to the gate to guard it with her life. She is defeated and Akira strikes at Saishi. She transforms herself to look like a rabbit and starts to whack Akira, pushing him to the ground. He uses his "Inferno's chill; Hyoma juji soumai" and freezes her from the inside.

Volume 18

After defeating Saisei & Saishi, the gang move through the second of the five gates. Izumo no Okuni "talks" with Taihaku of the five, while Benitora, Sasuke & Mahiro find Hotaru, having recently betrayed the Mibu. Hotaru says he will rest for a while and follow.

Kyo's band reach Chinmei's third gate, a large canyon with a small part leading to the doorway. Fighting Chinmei Kyo forces him to tell the truth behind Mahiro's sisters death. He killed her, not Kyo. Mahiro over hears and takes over from Kyo. After showing the strength of his gravity based attacks and breaking both her arms Chinmei returns to Kyo, who attacks him, cutting his left arm off and his right wrist open. He then offers Chinmei three minutes in which to defeat him or he will kill him.

Volume 19

Chinmei attacks Kyo with a black hole, swallowing everything in its path. Kyo counters with Suzaku & eventually breaks the attack, cutting Chinmei in half and sending him to the bottom of the canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon the mysterious Fubuki, of the four elders, heals Chinmei & sends him into the shadows. He then reports that Chinmei has died, and that Taihaku will take Shinrei's place at the 4th gate.Kyo's band is attacked as they approach the next gate, by the three demon siblings, Taihaku's bodyguards. They are in fact monsters of the forest, who have learned to live in the mibu, under Tahaku. Taihaku appears and sends the siblings to one side, challenging Benitora due to Kyo's weak condition.

Taihaku reveals himself to be strong and quick, with no special "Mibu power", and a difficult test for Benitora.

Volume 20

Taihaku and Benitora's fight concludes, with Benitora waking up from near-death. Taihaku gives in and reveals that he is not Mibu by birth but once surprised the Crimson king with his strength and was given longevity and a place in the Mibu. He then reveals that he knew Yuya's brother, or should he say "foster-brother." Shiina Nozomu was a sear and was taken into the Mibu, where he discovered the Mibu's greatest secret, telling his real sister Sakuya. He then left the Mibu fearing for his life, and found Yuya, whom he took in as his own sister, maybe to replace the loss of Sakuya.

Yukimura (bet you'd forgotten what he was up to by now) found Sakuya hidden within the Mibu castle, but was warned by Chinmei that he should leave her for now and focus on defeating Kyo. Fubuki silently kills Taihaku as he opens the 4th gate, leaving only his sword behind, embedded in Taihaku's back. Kyo & gang pass through. Fubuki then tells Shinrei that Taihaku, his friend, had died at the hands of Kyo. Lord Hishigi of the four elders challenged Fubuki on this once Shinrei had left for the final gate.

Hotaru finds Taihaku & cremates him, showing obvious emotion and saying that Taihaku was the only Mibu he almost liked.

Volume 21

Shinrei's final gate is a large plateau which he fills with water upon fighting Kyo. After wearing out Kyo, Shinrei attempts to kill him, stopped by the entrance of Hotaru. Hishigi angers Tokito by telling him not to toy with lives but rather focus on Kyo.Hotaru & Shinrei fight, revealing that Shinrei knew he and Hotaru were brothers. Hotaru shows Shinrei Fubuki's sword and Benitora & Akira give their reasons for fighting Taihaku & Saishi, two of Shinrei's fiends. Shinrei doesn't believe that Fubuki would kill Taihaku and proceeds to knock Hotaru down to his knees.

Volume 22

Shinrei delivers what seems to be the fatal blow to Hotaru, sending him crashing to the floor. Kyo rushes at Shinrei in anger, but is still weak from using the Suzaku. Not wanting to see his friends die, Kyoshiro allows Kyo free rein over his body. Kyo, not at half his original strength, easily counters all of Shinrei's attacks and uses the second secret technique, Byakko. Shinrei dodged the left claw of the attack, but was dragged by the right claw, allowing Kyo to deliver a heavy blow. Just as Kyo was about to finish Shinrei off, Hotaru appears and blocks the attack. Shinrei inquires Hotaru's actions, to which Hotaru answers that they're brothers. This statement broke the chains that held Shinrei to the Mibu. Shinrei releases Yuya of the waterwyrm. He then leaves to question Fubuki of his actions.

The group rests up after the fight. Hotaru says that he misses "her". Akira and Bontenmaru try to force Hotaru to stop talking. The reason behind that seems to be whenever Hotaru says something, it generally ends up to be true. Yuya asks whom Hotaru was referring to. Bontenmaru answers that Hotaru is referring to the Fourth Emperor, the "worst". As they keep trying to silence him, the group hears the clattering of metal. Kyo says the worst is here.

The Fourth Emperor is revealed to be Akari, who seems to be the only female in the Four Emperors. She asks why Kyo is badly hurt and why Bontenmaru doesn't have a single scratch. Bontenmaru backs away nervously saying he injured his eye and had to wear his eye patch. Knowing Bontenmaru is lying, Akari sends Bontenmaru flying with one attack. She then says that the Four Emperors duty is to protect Kyo and that the others have been doing a terrible job. Akira tries to defend him and the others. Akari cuts him off by asking Akira if he was talking back to her. She then reveals their secrets for revenge. Akira says that she is the worst and tells her to stop asking for a secret each time she heals them. Akari then says they would be useless without her and that they are mere "worker bees" and that she is the queen bee.

Benitora asks her how her powers work. She explains that she can expand her aura to speed up the human healing process. Benitora comments that that would be impossible, which earns him a whack to the head. Akari says she will heal them, in exchange for a secret from each person. After hearing the secrets, she heals them all.

Elsewhere, in the Mibu Castle, Fubuki tells Hishigi it was time to release Kubira, Indara, Mekira and Haira. Hishigi agrees and goes to release them.

Back at the group, Akari mentions that Kyo made a promise to her. The others inquire what the secret was. As Kyo turns to answer them, Akari attempts to strike Kyo one the head with her staff. Kyo dodges the attack easily. Yuya asks what that was about. Akari said that Kyo promised that if She could hit him just once, he would marry her.

Bontenmaru then tells the others of Akari's past. He says that she was ignored by everyone else due to her strong powers. Impressed by her powers, Kyo allowed her to joined the Four Emperors. Benitora asked why they went to search for Akari in the first place. Hotaru explains that they went to extort her for money since they knew she was a transvestite.

Hishigi arrives at the dungeons and releases the four "berserkers". They attempt to attack him, but are stopped by Yuan, the fourth Taishirou. Yuan tells them to get ready for the return of Oda Nobunaga.

Back at the group, Hotaru attempts to lead them to the Mibu castle, but fails to remember the way. Just then, Okuni falls from the ceiling, badly injured. She says that the Taishirou now have Kyo's true body.

Volume 23

Okuni, injured and in the hands of Bontenmaru, explains that the Mibu have Kyo's body and intend to use it as the host of Nobunaga's resurrection. If this occurs, Kyo will never get his body back. As Akari and Okuni bicker, Yuya wonders what will happen to Kyo if he never gets his body back. She tries to hurry the gang up to help Kyo.

However, a huge suicide squadron of Mibu soldiers stand in the path to the Onmyou shrine. Sasuke, Benitora, and Yuya prepare to fight the huge enemy in order to get through, but are stopped, as the Shiseiten wants to fight alone. Kyo rests and encourages his friends to watch. The Shiseiten plays their favorite game of "whoever kills the least people has to do what the others want."

Meanwhile, Shindara and Antera are going to see the Bezerkers of the 12 shogun. Antera provokes them because "they stink," and they attack to eat her and Santera, but Kotaro (Makora), Shindara, and the leader of the shoguns Shatora, stop them. Tokito explains that they are weak, and gives them Power Up injections to get stronger. The 12 agree to do as Tokito asks, and split up to fight Kyo and friends.

Naturally, the Shiseiten defeat the Mibu's army. The group then moves on to the 4 paths leading to the Onmyo shrine, though only one will really lead there. After some arguing over who gets to go with Kyo, the group decides to draw papers with a number on it, and the number corresponds to the path to take. To the 4 door goes Bon and Kyo, the third Akari and Yuya, the second Sasuke and Okuni, the first Benitora, Hotaru, and Akira.

Sasuke and Bon share concern that Yuya will not be okay being away from Kyo, as it's her first time. Kyo, however, trusts that she'll be alright with Akari, who is unenthusiastic about not being with Kyo. The groups go down their assigned paths.

Down the first door, Akira and Tora's slows them down, so Hotaru goes ahead, and meets his former teacher, Yuan of the Taishirou. He realizes his personal weakness, despite his wish to protect his new friends.

Yuya and Akari are talking, somewhat strained, about various things, when they are greeted by the guards. After lewd remarks, they make Akari mad enough to unleash her true power. The pair then meets up with Santeira and Mekira of the 12. Santeira fights them, after being injected and turning into a butterfly monster.

Akari fights her, but only to free her, as she has empathy for the lonely girl. Both were called monsters when all they wanted was to be accepted, and Akari does manage to free Santeira. Mekira then fights, using the Medusa Eye and partially petrifying Yuya, totally Santeira. Akari and Mekira square off, Akari in a rage.

Volume 24

Akari asks if Meikira is happy with the "Medusa Eyes". Meikira says yes and attempts to turn Akari into stone. Realizing that she hasn't, Meikira asks how. Akari told Meikira that his are fake and shows him that she possesses the true Devil's Eye and turns Meikira into dust. Meikira's death freed both Yuya and Santeira from Meikira's curse. Yuya, happy to be free, goes to get her things when she notices a man in a robe on the roof. Santera says that it is Shatora. Suddenly a strong gust of wind blows the hood of his robe revealing his face. Yuya stares at him in shock for she sees that it is her brother Nozomu!!!!

Sasuke and Okuni wander up the stairs of only to find themselves at the tip of Mt. Fuuji. Makora (Kotaro) ambushes Sasuke but is defeated by him. Sasuke, unable to kill Makora, is attacked by Okuni who is under the true Indara's spell. Revealing that she possessed Makora years ago, and broke their vow of friendship, she attacks Sasuke but Kotaro protects him. Sasuke, infurated, kills Indara. But Kotaro dies believing in Sasuke.

Meanwhile Akira, Hotaru, and Bontenmaru face off against Kubira. Kubira reveals that he can lookn into peoples souls and copy whom ever they think of. He claims that he will do anything to realize his dedication. He takes the form of Demon Eyes Kyo and the fight begins!

Volume 25

Still to come

Volume 26

Still to come

Volume 27

Still to come

Volume 28

Still to come

Volume 29

Still to come

Volume 30

Still to come

Volume 31

Still to come

Volume 32

Still to come

Volume 33

Still to come

Volume 34

Still to come

Volume 35

Still to come

Volume 36

Still to come

Volume 37

Still to come

Volume 38

Still to come

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