Linea terminalis

Linea terminalis

Infobox Anatomy
Latin = linea terminalis pelvis
GraySubject =
GrayPage =

Caption = Diameters of superior aperture of lesser pelvis -- female.

Caption2 = Female pelvis.
Precursor =
System =
Artery =
Vein =
Nerve =
Lymph =
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DorlandsPre = l_10
DorlandsSuf = 12496444
The linea terminalis or innominate line consists of the pectineal line, the pubic crest and the arcuate line.

It can be defined as a compound structure of the sacral promontory and iliopectineal line.cite book |author=Kirschner, Celeste G. |title=Netter's Atlas Of Human Anatomy For CPT Coding |publisher=American medical association |location=Chicago |year=2005 |pages=274 |isbn=1-57947-669-4 |oclc= |doi=]

It is part of the pelvic brim or pelvic inlet.



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