Chinchilla rabbit

Chinchilla rabbit

The Chinchilla rabbit is a rabbit breed. There are three breeds of Chinchilla rabbit recognized by the ARBA.

A Standard Chinchilla eating a leaf during the Fall


American Chinchilla

  • Weight: 9-12 lb.
  • ARBA-accepted varieties: Standard

The American Chinchilla or "Heavyweight Chinchilla" is larger than the Standard Chinchilla but otherwise identical. Standard Chinchillas bred for large size produced this breed. Chinchilla Rabbits originated in France and were bred to standard by M. J. Dybowski. They were introduced to the United States in 1919.

Bred to be a meat and fur rabbit, the American Chinchilla Rabbit can be shown/exhibited or kept as a stocky, hardy pet. American Chinchilla Rabbits do not require regular grooming. Adult American Chinchilla Rabbits weigh different for each sex. Males (Bucks)- 9-11#, and Females (Does) 10-12#. These stocky rabbits have a slight curve to their medium length bodies, beginning at the nape of their necks and following through to the rump. They carry their ears straight erect. In show, type is judged to be more important than color. American Chinchilla Rabbits are a six-class breed in show. (Any rabbit that matures over 9 pounds is a 6-class breed, maturation weights under 9# are 4-class breeds.) The American Chinchilla Rabbit was bred from large Standard Chinchilla Rabbits in order to produce a meatier rabbit. They were originally called Heavyweight Chinchilla Rabbits.

American Chinchilla Rabbits will be disqualified in show for having a body type that resembles a Flemish Giant Rabbit. Junior and intermediate American Chinchilla Rabbits may be shown in age classifications higher than their own if they are overweight. Bucks and does under six months and nine pounds are considered juniors. Intermediate American Chinchilla Rabbits are bucks and does six to eight months of age. Bucks weigh less than eleven pounds and does less than twelve. Senior bucks and does are over eight months of age and bucks weigh between nine and 11 pounds. Doe American Chinchilla Rabbits weigh between ten and 12 pounds.

The American Chinchilla is one of the two most popular breeds raised for fur production according to .

American Chinchilla Rabbits are good breeders, with an average litter of 7-10 babies.

Giant Chinchilla

Giant Chinchilla
  • Weight: 12-16 lb.
  • ARBA-accepted varieties: Standard

The Giant Chinchilla is a result of crosses between Chinchilla and Flemish Giant breeds; it originates in the United States. This breed is used primarily as a commercial meat rabbit. Other chinchillas include the Standard and the American Chinchillas.

See also

Lapin01 flipped and colorized.svg Rabbits and hares portal

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • chinchilla — n. 1 a any small rodent of the genus Chinchilla, native to S. America, having soft silver grey fur and a bushy tail. b its highly valued fur. 2 a breed of cat or rabbit. Etymology: Sp. prob. f. S. Amer. native name …   Useful english dictionary

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