Alder Flycatcher

Alder Flycatcher

name = Alder Flycatcher
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Tyrannidae
genus = "Empidonax"
species = "E. alnorum"
binomial = "Empidonax alnorum"
binomial_authority = (Brewster, 1895)
The Alder Flycatcher, "Empidonax alnorum", is a small insect-eating bird of the tyrant flycatcher family.

Adults have olive-brown upperparts, browner on the wings and tail, with whitish underparts; they have a white eye ring, white wing bars, a small bill and a short tail. The breast is washed with olive-grey. The upper part of the bill is grey; the lower part is orangish. At one time, this bird was included with the very similar Willow Flycatcher in a single species, "Traill's Flycatcher".

Their breeding habitat is deciduous thickets, often alders or willows, near water across Canada, Alaska and the northeastern United States. They make a cup nest low in a vertical fork in a shrub.

These birds migrate to South America, usually selecting winter habitat near water.

They wait on a perch near the top of a shrub and fly out to catch insects in flight, also sometimes picking insects from foliage while hovering. They may eat some berries and seeds.

This bird's song is a wheezed "wee-bee". The call is a quick "preet".


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

External links

* [ Alder Flycatcher - "Empidonax alnorum"] - USGS Patuxent Bird Identication InfoCenter
* [ Alder Flycatcher Species Account] - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
* [ Alder Flycatcher Information and Photos] - South Dakota Birds

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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