

Romani relates or may refer to:
* Girolamo Romani, an Italian painter.
* "Romani", a common Christian name for a girl.
* "Romani", a style of Pottery, featuring browns, blacks and tans in a simple pattern.
* români, the plural form of the Romanian word for the Romanian people.
* Români, a commune in Neamţ County, Romania.
* "Romani", the denomination for the Rosemary in the Catalan language.

Both as Romani or Romany it may refer to:
*The Roma people, also known as Gypsies
*Romani language, the language of the Roma.
*"Romany" was the pseudonym of a broadcaster and writer of Roma descent, George Bramwell Evens.
* Romany Rap a sub-genre of both Rap and Romany music.
*"Romany", an album by The Hollies, released in 1972.
*Romany Wisdom, comic book character and sister to X-Men ally Pete Wisdom.
*Romany Malco, an American actor.

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