

Baez is a Spanish-Basque surname meaning son of Basque Country also may refer to:

*Joan Baez (b. 1941), American folk singer
*John C. Baez (b. 1961), mathematical physicist, cousin of Joan Baez
*Albert Baez (1912-2007), physicist, father of Joan Baez
*Danys Baez (b. 1977), Cuban born baseball player for the Baltimore Orioles.
*Anthony Baez (1965-1994), victim of NYPD police brutality.

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  • Báez — ist ein spanischer Familienname[1]. Außerhalb des spanischen Sprachraums tritt vereinzelt die anglisierte Form Baez auf. Herkunft und Bedeutung Zur Etymologie des Namens Báez existieren unterschiedliche Angaben. So soll der Name z. B. von einem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Baez —   [ baɪəz], Joan, amerikanische Folkloresängerin, * Staten Island (N. Y.) 9. 1. 1941; begann mit angloamerikanischen Volksliedern und Balladen und sang ab 1963 v. a. politisch engagierte Lieder, u. a. von Pete Seeger und Bob Dylan (»We shall… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Baez — n. family name; Joan Baez (born 1941), American folk singer …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Baez, Joan — ▪ American singer and political activist in full  Joan Chandos Baez  born January 9, 1941, Staten Island, New York, N.Y., U.S.       American folksinger and political activist who interested young audiences in folk music during the 1960s. Despite …   Universalium

  • Báez, Buenaventura — ▪ president of Dominican Republic born 1810, Azua de Compostela, Hispaniola [now Azua, Dominican Republic] died 1884, Puerto Rico  politician who served five terms as president of the Dominican Republic and is noted principally for his attempts… …   Universalium

  • Baez, Joan (Chandos) — born Jan. 9, 1941, Staten Island, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. folksinger and activist. She moved often as a child, receiving little musical training, but she became influential in the 1960s folk song revival. Singing in a soprano voice, usually… …   Universalium

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