Roman Frister

Roman Frister

Roman Frister (born January 17 1928, Bielsko, Poland) wrote "", an autobiographical account of his life living in Nazi occupied Poland and then Poland under the communists.

Frister spent time in:
* the Cracow detention centre where Frister witnessed his mother's murder when she was struck with a pistol on the head by SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Kunde;
* Starachowice forced labor camp where he witnessed his father die of typhoid;
* Mauthausen
* Auschwitz
* And finally a death march to Mauthausen again, after which he was released.

Firster's book provides a frank account of his survival and includes much of his post-war life covering aspects of his career as an award winning Israeli journalist after his emigration in 1957.

In 1967 Frister gave evidence at Wilhelm Kunde's trial held in Kiel, Germany. Kunde was sentenced to seven years.

After immigrating to Israel, Frister became a prominent columnist and editor in the Israeli daily newspaper "Ha'aretz". In 1990 he helped found a school for journalism in Tel-Aviv named "Coteret".In 2006 the school was incorporated into Tel-Aviv University. Many of the school's graduates work in Israeli media today.

Other books by Frister include:
Impossible Love-Ascher Levi's Longing for Germany - 2003,
Le-lo Pshara (Uncompromising)- 1970,
The Stolen Identity - Itzhak Liebmann's Double Life - 1981,Israel-1974,
Asiri Le Minyan (Tenth for a "Minyan"-jewish prayer) - 1970,
Stormy Years (1973).

External links

* [ Book Report The Cap]


* "", Roman Frister, ISBN 0-297-84122-X

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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