Pivot chart

Pivot chart

A pivot chart is a powerful data analysis tool that enables one to visualize a pivot table. It is a built-in feature of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. The single word PivotChart is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


* Page fields: The Z-axis of the data space.
* Data field: The Y-axis of the data space. This data field displays one of the aggregate functions (sum, count, max, min ...) of a data series.
* Category fields: The X-axis of the data space. The data must be categorical.
* Series fields:
* Pivot table, as of Office 2003, does not support scatter (X-Y) and bubble charts.

You can assign multiple categories to the X-axis and data value.

For example, you can assign "Year" as the major category; "Country" as the minor category; and divide the GDP into distinct sectors of the industry. Or you may drag "Country" from the category field to the page field if you find your table too crowded.

Pivot chart lets you analyse your dataset from multiple viewpoints.

Pivot chart for Microsoft Excel

* You can easily copy and paste a pivot chart within Excel or among other Microsoft Office software.

Pivot chart for Microsoft Access

* Microsoft Access can create "multi plots" from a shared dataset. For example, if you have a table of students' student id, math score and gender, you can create a page of multiple charts where two charts (student id/math score) are generated for female and male students side by side. This function is not supported by Microsoft Excel.
* You cannot copy and paste pivot charts in Microsoft Access.


* U.S. Patent & Trademark Office [http://uspto.gov]

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