Lake Petén Itzá

Lake Petén Itzá

Infobox lake
lake_name = Lake Petén Itzá
image_lake = Peten Itza lake.jpg
caption_lake = Lake view from the Northeastern shore
image_bathymetry =
caption_bathymetry =
location =
coords = coord|16|59|0|N|89|48|0|W|type:waterbody_region:GT|display=inline,title
type =
inflow =
outflow =
catchment =
basin_countries = Guatemala
length =
width =
area = 99 km² [cite web | url= | publisher= | title=Indice de lagos | author=INSIVUMEH | access=2008 | format=]
depth =
max-depth = 160 m
volume =
residence_time =
shore =
elevation = 110 m
islands =
cities =
frozen =

Lake Petén Itzá ("Lago Petén Itzá") is a lake in central Petén department in Guatemala. It is the second largest lake in Guatemala, the Izabal lake being the largest. It is located around coord|16|59|0|N|89|48|0|W|type:waterbody_region:GT. It has an area of 99 km² some 32 km. long and 5 km wide. Its maximum depth is 160 m. The lake area presents high levels of migration, due to the existence of natural resources such as wood, chewing gum, oil, and agricultural and pasture activities. Because of its archaeological richness, around 150,000 tourists pass through this region yearly.

The city of Flores, the capital of El Petén, lies on an island near its southern shore. There are at least 27 Maya sites around this lake and the remains from Tayasal, the Maya-Itza capital, and the last one to be conquered in mesoamerica in 1697.

This lake is also a wildlife paradise, with more than 100 important indigenous species such as the red snook fish ("Petenia splendida"), crocodiles ("Crocodylus moreletii" and "Crocodylus acutus"), jaguars ("Panthera onca"), Pumas ("Puma concolor"), White-tailed deer ("Odocoileus virginianus"), red brocket ("Mazana americana"), and several bird species, including parrots, toucans, and macaws. On its northeast shore is the "Cerro Cahui Protected Biotope", a natural reserve for butterflies is a convert|1600|acre|km2|sing=on reserve is home to toucans, spider monkeys ("Ateles geoffroyi"), howler monkeys ("Alouatta palliata", "Alouatta pigra"), and many other rain forest species.



* [ Guatemalan Fauna]
* [ Guatemala Lakes and Lagoons]
* [ Photos of the lake]
* [ Photos of the lake Peten Itzá]
* [ Bathymetric map of the lake]
* [ Central Petén Maya Sites]

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