Paralvinella sulfincola

Paralvinella sulfincola

name = "Paralvinella sulfincola"

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Annelida
classis = Polychaeta
ordo = Terebellida
familia = Alvinellidae
genus = "Paralvinella"
species = "P. sulfincola"
binomial = "Paralvinella sulfincola"

"Paralvinella sulfincola" is a species of worm of the Alvinellidae family that thrives on undersea hot-water vents. It dwells in the hottest of waters, thriving in temperatures that would kill most other animals. This characteristic makes it an extremophile or, more specifically, a hyperthermophile.

Their unique abilities to withstand hot water shooting like a geyser from hydrothermal openings enables the stalk-like worms to prey on bacteria that other animals cannot reach. It is difficult to know precisely which temperatures the worms can tolerate, since the water from vents pours out at temperatures beyond the boiling point, but cools quickly in the chilly sea water.

They belong to the polychaetes group. These worms construct tubes made out of mucus, and are completely mobile. Their appearance resembles that of a tiny red palm tree with red gills.

ee also

*Pompeii worm

External links

* [ Photo gallery at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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