- Tom Hilpert
Rev. Theodore "Tom" Hilpert (born 1969) is a U.S.-bornauthor ,pastor and corporate president. He is the author of "Galedor", ascience fiction novel published in theUnited States in 2001, and "Surviving Seminary", anon-fiction guide for budding pastors andtheologians . He has written for severalmagazines , and his non-fiction work has been read on at least four differentcontinents . He is currently theCreative Director of Rebel Planet Creations, a company producing fantasycomputer games in theChristian genre.Tom received his
bachelor's degree fromOregon State University inCorvallis, Oregon and hisMaster of Divinity (M.Div.) from the American Lutheran Theological Seminary inMinneapolis, Minnesota .He spent his formative years in
Papua New Guinea , the son ofmissionary parents. This influenced his decision to pursuedivinity studies and areligious career.He makes his home in the woods of
Tennessee nearNashville , with his wife and children.External links
* [http://www.rebelplanetcreations.com/ Rebel Planet Creations]
* [http://www.galedor.com/ Galedor]
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