Luis Gutiérrez

Luis Gutiérrez

name =Luís Gutiérrez

date of birth=birth date and age|1953|12|10
place of birth =Chicago, Illinois
state = Illinois
district = 4th
term_start =January 3, 1993
preceded = George E. Sangmeister
succeeded = Incumbent
party =Democratic
religion = Roman Catholic
spouse = Zoraida Arocho Gutierrez
alma_mater=Northeastern Illinois University
occupation= high school teacher, social worker, taxi driver
residence=Chicago, Illinois

Luís Vicente Gutiérrez (born December 10 1953), American politician, has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1992, representing ushr|Illinois|4| ( [] ).

Gutiérrez was born in Chicago and was educated at Northeastern Illinois University. He held jobs as a high school teacher, cab driver, and social worker with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services before entering politics. He was a member of the Chicago City Council from 1986 to 1992 before entering the House.

Of Puerto Rican descent, he is a supporter of Puerto Rican independence (although not necessarily of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, PIP), the Vieques movement, and other progressive causes. He is a member of the US Congressional Progressive Caucus. Gutiérrez has assembled support from a broad section of Chicagoans, including Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans.

Gutiérrez became the first Hispanic to be elected to Congress from the Midwest. The representative of a cultural diverse district, he has run programs on a local level to increase education levels and knowledge of the English language among immigrants. He has ran workshops within his district that have helped approximately 40,000 people begin the process of becoming US citizens.

Gutiérrez has also attempted to pass legislation banning immigration bills that contain language that is viewed to be xenophobic. Because of his commitment to immigration issues, he was appointed the chair of the Immigration Task Force for the 110th Congress.

Gutiérrez has announced that he will run for reelection to a 9th term in 2008 [ [ Congressman Luis Gutierrez in Chicago Hispanic Expo at Navy Pier ] ] . Gutierrez will face Green Party challenger Omar Lopez [] in the general election. Gutierrez had explored running for mayor of Chicago against incumbent Richard M. Daley but announced in November 2006 that he would remain in Congress. He is considered to be a possible candidate in 2011.

Committee Assignments

His committee assignments include:

*Financial Services Committee
**Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
**Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology (Chairman)
**Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
*Judiciary Committee
**Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
*Chair of the Democratic Caucus Immigration Task Force
*Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force


External links

* [ U.S. Congressman Luis Gutiérrez] official House site
* [ SourceWatch Congresspedia - Luis Gutierrez] profile

* [ BuzzFlash Interviews: Congressman Luis Gutierrez] June 20, 2001

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