- Aleksandar Lifka
Aleksandar Lifka (
1880 -November 12 1952 ) was a central-Europeancinematographer . Of Czech descent, he was born inBrassó (Austro-Hungarian empire, nowRomania ). After spending his childhood with his parents in the willage of Zatec nearPrague , he moved toVienna to study at Technical High school. In that time he experimented with the Magic Lantern "moving pictures" but without success. After completing his education, he travelled toParis where he bought a Pathé camera. In 1900 at the town ofGödöllő , Hungary he shot the visit of the emperorFranz Joseph and queen Elisabeth.Career
After his father's death, together with his older brother Karl, they decided to run a travelling movie theater. It had professional equipment (Gaumont, AEG, Körting) and had a luxurious interior. The first city where they showed their films was
Trieste , Italy. The tour continued in 1901 to Rijeka, Bjelovar, Osijek (Croatia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), and in 1902Belgrade , Zemun, Novi Sad, Subotica (Serbia and Montenegro).In 1903 the Lifka brothers bought another tent, so Karl separated and settled in
Linz andSalzburg . Aleksandar Lifka shot films as documentary journals of some political events, or just about common people from the towns he visited, so he attracted the audience to see the new miracle - moving pictures.Final Days
He visited Subotica again in 1905, and in 1910 he rearranged the grand hall of "Hungaria" hotel as a permanent movie theater. His wife Beck Erzsébet helped him to run the cinema. During
World War I , he was hired by Filmkriegspresse to create films about battles in Galizia, where he was wounded. After the end of war he returned to Subotica, which than belonged to the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes, and stopped making films. After World War II, he accepted Yugoslav citizenship. He died November 12th 1952 at his vineyard. He is buried in Subotica. At present, only 20 original films of his remain.
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