- Acacia erioloba
name = "Acacia erioloba"
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Acacia erioloba" Camel Thorn
image2_width = 250px
image2_caption = Seeds and pods
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
subfamilia =Mimosoideae
tribus =Acacieae
genus = "Acacia "
species = "A. erioloba"
binomial = "Acacia erioloba"
binomial_authority = Meyer, Ernst Heinrich Friedrich (1791-1858)"Acacia erioloba" (formerly "Acacia giraffae"), is also commonly known as the Camel Thorn, "Kameeldoring" (
Afrikaans ), Giraffe Thorn or "Mokala" (Tswana). TheMokala National Park in theNorthern Cape is named after this tree.It is a thorn
acacia native to the drier parts ofSouthern Africa . It occurs in theTransvaal , westernFree State , northernCape Province ,Botswana andNamibia . It was described byWilliam John Burchell , howeverJacobus Coetse already named the tree in1760 , some 50 years earlier.It can grow up to 17 metres high. The name refers to the fact that
giraffe ("kameelperd" inAfrikaans ) commonly graze on the hard-to-reach succulent leaves normally out of reach of smaller animals. Giraffe are partial to all acacias and manifest a specially-adaptedtongue and lips that can cope with the vicious thorns. It also grows ear-shapedpod s, which are favoured by a large number ofherbivore s includingcattle . The wood is dark reddish-brown in colour and extremely dense and strong. It is slow-growing, very hardy to drought and fairly frost-resistant.Unfortunately it is a good fuel, which leads to widespread clearing of dead trees and the felling of healthy trees. According to
superstition ,lightning will strike at "A. erioloba" more readily than other trees. It is also possible to roast the seeds to be used as a substitute forcoffee bean s.
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