

Infobox German Location
Art = Gemeinde
Name = Uslar
Wappen = Wappen uslar.pnglat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 39 |lat_sec = 35
lon_deg = 9 |lon_min = 38 |lon_sec = 09
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Niedersachsen
Landkreis = Northeim
Höhe = 178
Fläche = 113.4
Einwohner = 15759
Stand = 2007-06-30
PLZ = 37170
PLZ-alt = 3418, 3419
Vorwahl = 05571, 05573, 05506, 05574
Kfz = NOM
Gemeindeschlüssel = 03 1 55 012
Gliederung = 19 districts
Straße = Graftstr. 7
Website = []
Bürgermeisterin = Martina Daske
Partei = Independent

Uslar is a municipality in southern Lower Saxony, Germany, located in the south-western part of the district of Northeim in the south of the hills of Solling forest which are part of the Weserbergland.


Uslar lies close to the borders of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia. Hanover is 110 km to the north, Hesse's biggest city Frankfurt am Main is 240 km to the south, and Berlin is 350 km to northeast.

Division of the municipality

The municipality of Uslar consists of 19 towns and villages: Ahlbershausen, Allershausen, Bollensen, Delliehausen, Dinkelhausen, Eschershausen, Fürstenhagen, Gierswalde, Kammerborn, Offensen, Schlarpe, Schönhagen, Schoningen, Sohlingen, Uslar, Vahle, Verliehausen, Volpriehausen and Wiensen.


Uslar can be reached by car via the Bundesautobahn (interstate highway) A7 (Ausfahrt (Exit) Nörten-Hardenberg) and A44 (Ausfahrt Warburg) and via Bundesstraße (Route) B241. Nearest international airports are Hanover (IATA-Code: HAJ), and Kassel-Calden. Uslar can be reached by ICE-Trains via Göttingen. From Göttingen, Uslar can be reached by Bus 210 direction Holzminden.


Uslar was first mentioned in 1006/1007. In the second half of the 12th century, the Welfen-dynasty started to rule Uslar until the 19th century. In 1599, the castle of Freudenthal was built, which burned down in 1612. In 1819 big parts of the town of Uslar burned down.

Economy and business

Uslar's industry uses the area's natural resources of wood, sand and water. In the 20th century, Uslar's furniture industry (Ilse-Möbel company, approx. 2000 employees in the 1950s) was world-famous. Nowadays, only tourism plays an important role in the area of Uslar ("Uslarer Land"). There is also the Privatbrauerei Haffner, which brews the Bergbräu family of beers, bottled in pop-top bottles much like Schleswig-Holstein's Flensburger beer and Holland's Grolsch.

Sister cities

Uslar's sister cities are:
* - Kerteminde, Denmark since 1985,
* - Człuchów, Poland since 1999.

External links

* [ Official site] de icon
* [ Uslar County Recreation Area]

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