

Infobox musical artist
Name = Carajo

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Background = group_or_band
Alias =
Origin = Buenos Aires
Genre = Heavy metal Hard rock Metalcore Punk rock
Years_active = 2001-Present
Label =
Associated_acts =
Current_members = Marcelo Corvalan;Hernan Langer;Andres Vilanova
Past_members =
Notable_instruments = Guitar,Bass,Drums

Carajo is a hard rock/metal band from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was formed in 2001 with Marcelo "Corvata" Corvalan on bass and vocals, Andres "Andy" Vilanova on drums and Hernan "Tery" Langer on guitar and backing vocals. The first two share the history of having been part of the band A.N.I.M.A.L., one of the most important heavy metal bands in Latin America.


It is very hard to attach Carajo to one genre, although a good approximation would be "hard rock punk metal". Within well defined terms, Carajo best fits a mix of hard rock, metal and punk rock. Different media sources and individuals have stated Carajo to be Punk, Nu metal, Rock and even "Spiritual Hardcore" "(term used by an mtv vj)"

The release of the EP "Carajografia" (2003) and the live CD "Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1" (2005) add more complication to the definition of Carajo's music since the songs on these two releases are remakes, covers and live versions in different music styles like reggae, bossa nova, hip hop, electronic, acoustic, rock n roll, folklore (chacarera) and murga.



Creation of Carajo with Corvata on bass and vocals, Andy on drums and Tery on guitar and backing vocals. Their first show is at "La Diabla" on May 4 with the band "Ritual". They also play in neighbouring Uruguay.


Recording of their first full length album, "Carajo", officially presented on May 7 at The Roxy in Buenos Aires. In November they play at Colombia's Rock al Parque festival in front of 80,000 people. The band is named "Breakthrough Band of 2002" by the most important newspapers in Argentina.


They play Cosquin Rock, one of the most important summer festivals in Argentina, before 14,000 people. The EP "Carajografia" is released and they are nominated for an MTV Latin America video music award for "Best New Artist"


Release of the second full length studio album, "Atrapasueños" (Dreamcatcher) and its successful presentation in front of 3000 people at Buenos Aires' "Republica Cromañon" (nearly a month before the tragedy at the same venue ends the life of 194 people during a "Callejeros" concert). This year also features their first visit to Paraguay.


Carajo's first visit to Bolivia and Chile. Due to an accident (Andy's broken wrist), important shows are cancelled, which results in the band experimenting with new sounds and musical styles. Months later, the band releases "Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1" (Acustified Electrobroken 2.1), a one-off show were they remade their own songs and played covers (Andy actually played the show, still with a cast on his forearm/hand).The live CD "Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1" is released.


Carajo writes a new chapter in Argentinian rock by becoming the first band ever to play in Cuba. The band returns to Uruguay and visits Panama for the first time.


After many delays, the band's third studio album "Inmundo" is released. The DVD "Formando Asi Cada Parte Del Todo" ("Thus Forming Each Part of Everything") containing footage of their show at Arena Obras Sanitarias in November 2005, and from their trip to Cuba is postponed indefinitely after many delays in its release (apparently due to technical problems). The band's first visit to Venezuela is slated for mid-August.



Edited in 2002 by Gua Gua Musica, distributed by [ Universal Music Argentina]
#Resistiendo Con Ideas "(Resisting With Ideas)"
#Sacate La Mierda "(Take Your Shit Out)"
#El Vago "(The Bum)"
#La Parca "(The Reaper)"
#Salvaje "(Wild)"
#Noche "(Night)"
#Ironia "(Irony)"
#Pura Vida "(Pure Life)"
#La Guerra Y La Paz "(War And Peace)"
#Mal Popular "(People's Ill)"
#Conquistador "(Conquistador)"
#Estilo De Vida "(Lifestyle)"
#Interactive Track: EPK


EP with remakes and live performances, edited by Gua Gua Musica. Sold as a promotion with the ticket for the show "Club carajo 3.0" in 2003.
#Salvaje "(Wild)"
#Resistiendo Con Ideas "(Resisting With Ideas)"
#Diferentes Maneras "(Different Ways)"
#Rescatarse "(Save Oneself)"
#El Vago "(The Bum)"Interactive Track: "Ironia" music video


Edited by [ Universal Music Argentina] in 2004.
# Hacerse Cargo "(Take Responsibility)"
# Atrapasueños "(Dreamcatcher)"
# Triste "(Sad)"
# Matarutinas "(Routine Killer)"
# El Error "(The Mistake)"
# Fluir "(Flow)"
# El Llanto Espiritual "(The Spiritual Crying)"
# La Fuerza Original "(The Original Force)"
# La Huella Del Depredador "(The Predator's Trail)"
# Como Deberia Ser "(How It Should Be)"
# De Frente Al Mar "(Facing The Sea)"
# Bicho De Ciudad "(City Bug)"
# ¿Que Tienes Para Dar? "(What Do You Have To Offer?)"
# Algo En Que Creer "(Something To Believe In)"
# De Hoy No Pasa "(It Won't Happen Again)"Interactive Track: EPK

Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1

Live CD of the special show "Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1". Edited in 2005 by [ Universal Music Argentina] . It has a CD of live music and a DVD with Carajo's videography until that point.
# El Error "(The Mistake)"
# Salvaje "(Wild)"
# La Fuerza Original "(The Original Force)"
# Algo En Que Creer "(Something To Believe In)"
# Ironia "(Irony)"
# El Llanto Espiritual "(The Spiritual Crying)"
# Como Deberia Ser "(How It Should Be)"
# Atrapasueños "(Dreamcatcher)"
# De Frente Al Mar "(Facing The Sea)"
# Triste "(Sad)"
# No Tan Distintos "(Not So Different)"
# El Vago "(The Bum)"
# ¿Que Tienes Para Dar? "(What Do You Have To Offer?)"

# Sacate La Mierda "(Take Your Shit Out)"
# Salvaje "(Wild)"
# Ironia "(Irony)"
# El Vago "(The Bum)"
# El Error "(The Mistake)"
# Triste "(Sad)"
# Triste (electrorroto) " [Sad (electrobroken)] "


Released June 21st, 2007 by [ Universal Music Argentina]

# In
# Histeria, TV, Cancion de Moda "(Hysteria, TV, fashionable song)"
# Chico Granada "(Grenade Boy)"
# Inocencia Perdida "(Lost Innocence)"
# Alma y Fuego "(Soul and Fire)"
# Acorazados "(Shelled)"
# El Que Ama Lo Que Hace "(The One That Loves What He Does)"
# Joder "(Fuck / Joke Around / Shit" - The meaning depends on context and regionality where it is used")"
# Una Oportunidad "(An Opportunity)"
# Punk Sin Cresta "(Crestless Punk)"
# Entre La Fe y La Razon "(Between Faith and Reason)"
# Zion
# Carne "(Meat)"Interactive Track: "Chico Granada" music video

Non-official songs / covers

*All Apologies (Nirvana)
*Angeles Caídos (Ataque 77)
*Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) (Pink Floyd)"(fragmento)"
*Chalito (A.N.I.M.A.L.)
*Cómo Puede Ser (Bandana) "(fragmento)"
*Donde Las Aguilas Se Atreven (Ataque 77)
*El Matador (Los Fabulosos Cadillacs)"(fragmento)"
*Heart Shaped Box (Nirvana)
*Hechando Chingazos (Brujeria)
*Jijiji (Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota fragmento) "(with Arbol)"
*Libres? ("Free?" New song played live at some shows)
*Loco Pro (A.N.I.M.A.L.)
*Lo Que Da Vida ("What Gives Life")
*"Metallica Medley"
*"Medley de Pantera"
*Message In A Bottle (The Police)
*No Tan Distintos (Sumo)
*Pantalla del Mundo Nuevo (Riff)"(fragmento)"
*Poison Heart (The Ramones)
*Ruta 66 (Pappo)"(fragmento)"
*Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)
*Territorial Pissings (Nirvana)
*This Love (Pantera)
*Una Vela (Cover Intoxicados junto a su vocalista)
*Vacíos de Fe (A.N.I.M.A.L.)


*Sacate La Mierda - (2002) "(Carajo)"
*Salvaje - (2002) "(Carajo)"
*Ironia - (2003) "(Carajo)"
*El Vago - (2003) "(Carajo)"
*El Error - (2004) "(Atrapasueños)"
*Triste - (2005) "(Atrapasueños)"
*Triste (electrorroto) - (2005) "(Electrorroto Acustizado 2.1)"
*De Frente Al Mar - (2006) "(Atrapasueños)"
*Hacerse Cargo - (2007) "(Atrapasueños)"
*Chico Granada - (2007) "(Inmundo)"
*El Que Ama Lo Que Hace - (2007) "(Inmundo)"
*Formando Asi Cada Parte Del Todo - (2007) DVD (postponed, never released)
*Acorazados - (2008) "(Inmundo)"

External links

* [ Carajo oficial webpage (in English and Spanish)]
* [] (6hs of rare audio and video, pictures, updated regularly, etc) (in Spanish)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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