

Sosa may refer to:

*a Spanish surname. Famous Sosas include:
** Alex Sosa, a fictional drug lord from the 1983 film "Scarface"
** Elias Sosa, Dominican Republic baseball player
** Gilberto Sosa, Mexican boxer
** Jorge Sosa, Dominican baseball pitcher
** José Ernesto Sosa, Argentine footballer
** Julio Sosa, Uruguayan tango singer
** Mercedes Sosa, Argentine singer
** Porfirio Lobo Sosa, Honduran politician
** Sammy Sosa, Dominican baseball player
*Sōsa, Chiba, Japan
*Sosa, Germany, a town in the district of Aue-Schwarzenberg in Saxony
*Sosa Method or Sosa-Stradonitz Method, a genealogical numbering system commonly called Ahnentafel.
*Sosa Station, a train station named after a district in Bucheon, South Korea

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