Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974

Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974

The Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (or RPA) is a United States federal law which authorizes long-range planning by the US Forest Service to ensure the future supply of forest resources while maintaining a quality environment. RPA requires that a renewable resource assessment and a Forest Service plan be prepared every ten and five years, respectively, to plan and prepare for the future of natural resources. [Godfrey, Anthony "The Ever-Changing View-A History of the National Forests in California" USDA Forest Service Publishers, 2005 p. 464
ISBN 1-59351-428-X
] It is found in the United States Code at Title 16, Chapter 36.


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* ['Forest%20and%20Rangeland%20Renewable%20Resources%20Planning%20Act%20of%201974' Text of the Act]

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