- Edward C. Banfield
Banfield grew up on a farm in
Connecticut , and attended theUniversity of Connecticut , where he studied English andagriculture . He worked for several government agencies, traveled in the West, and observed the effects of government projects. Although he initially supported PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt and theNew Deal , he gradually became skeptical of government attempts to construct housing, support the arts, etc. Long beforeLyndon B. Johnson 's Great Society programs, Banfield had decided that government aid to the poor would make the givers of aid feel virtuous, but wouldn’t improve the lives of the receivers of aid. His views were controversial, and "The Unheavenly City" sparked much debate.Banfield’s Harvard colleagues described him as “an individual with a strong and distinctive character that impressed itself on all who met him,” and as a man who enjoyed “the delights of humor, long meals, and friendly company [cite web
coauthors = Huntington, Maass, Wilson
title = Memorial Minutes: Edward C. Banfield
publisher = Harvard University Gazette
date = 2000-10-17
url = http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2001/01.18/21-banfield.html
accessdate = 2006-11-23 ] ". Banfield had "a reputation as a brilliant maverick", and his "books and articles had a sharp contrarian edge. He was a critic of almost every mainstream liberal idea in domestic policy, especially the use ofFederal aid to help relieve urbanpoverty . [cite web
first = Richard
title = E. C. Banfield, 83, Maverick On Urban Policy Issues, Dies
publisher = New York Times
date = 1999-10-08
url = http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F6061EFD38550C7B8CDDA90994D1494D81
accessdate = 2006-11-23 ] "Banfield taught many conservative scholars, including
James Q. Wilson andThomas Sowell . He also taughtChristopher DeMuth andBruce Kovner , leading figures at the conservative think-tank,American Enterprise Institute .His wife, Laura Fasano Banfield, learned Italian as a child, and helped her husband with his book about a poor village in southern Italy ("The Moral Basis of a Backward Society"). She also collaborated with
Harvey Mansfield on a translation ofMachiavelli ’s "History of Florence".Banfield’s son, Elliott, is an artist/designer/cartoonist in New York City; his daughter, Laura, is founding partner of law firm Hoguet, Newman, & Regal, LLP and the mother of three daughters, Laura Kosar, Helen LaCroix, and Marie Hoguet.
Published works
Copies of many of Edward C. Banfield's books and writings may be downloaded freely and legally from [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/ Edward C. Banfield - An Online Resource] .
*"Government Project" (1951)
*"Politics, Planning, and the Public Interest", with Martin Meyerson (1955)
*"The Moral Basis of a Backward Society" (1958)
*"Government and Housing in Metropolitan Areas", with Morton M. Grodzins (1958)
*"A Report on the Politics of Boston", with Martha Derthick (1960)
*"Political Influence" (1961/1982/2003)
*"Urban Government: A Reader in Politics and Administration" (1961)
*"City Politics", with James Q. Wilson (1963)
*"American Foreign Aid Doctrines" (1963)
*"Big City Politics" (1965)
*"Boston: The Job Ahead", with Martin Meyerson (1966)
*"The Unheavenly City" (1970)
*"The Unheavenly City Revisited: A Revision of The Unheavenly City" (1974)
*"The Democratic Muse: Visual Arts and the Public Interest" (1984)
*"Here the People Rule: Selected Essays" (1985, reprinted with additional essays in 1991)References
Further reading
"Edward C. Banfield: An Appreciation" (Henry Salvatori Center, 2002).
External links
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/index.html Edward C. Banfield - An Online Resource] , contains biographies, bibliographies, recordings of Banfield, and more.
* [http://www.ljhammond.com/phlit/2002-12b.htm#3 A former student] recalls Banfield.
*Books and writings by Edward C. Banfield may be downloaded freely and legally from [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/ Edward C. Banfield - An Online Resource] .
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-Government-Project.pdf Edward C. Banfield, Government Project] (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1951).
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-Government-and-Housing-in-Metropolitan-Areas.pdf Edward C. Banfield (with Morton M. Grodzins), Government and Housing in Metropolitan Areas] (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958).
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-Political-Influence.pdf Edward C. Banfield, Political Influence: A New Theory of Urban Politics] (New York: Free Press, 1961)
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-American-Foreign-Aid-Doctrines.pdf Edward C. Banfield, American Foreign Aid Doctrines] (Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, January 1963).
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-City-Politics.pdf Edward C. Banfield and James Q. Wilson, City Politics] (Cambridge: Harvard University Press and the M.I.T. Press, 1963).
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-The-City-and-the-Revolutionary-Tradition.pdf Edward C. Banfield, “The City and the Revolutionary Tradition,”] (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1974), speech delivered, April 11, 1974.
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-The-Unheavenly-City-Revisited.pdf Edward C. Banfield, The Unheavenly City Revisited: A Revision of the Unheavenly City] (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1974).
* [http://www.kevinrkosar.com/Edward-C-Banfield/Edward-C-Banfield-Policy-Science-as-Metaphysical-Madness.pdf Edward C. Banfield, “Policy Science as Metaphysical Madness,”] in Robert C. Goldwin, ed., Statesmanship and Bureaucracy (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1977), pp. 1-35.
* [http://www.elliottbanfield.com/ Website of Elliot Banfield]
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