- Vice-county Census Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Great Britain
__NOTOC__The Vice-county Census Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Great Britain (ISBN 0-901158-30-5) is a A5 softback book produced in
2003 by theBotanical Society of the British Isles . It attempts to present a complete picture of thevice-county distribution of vascular plant species inGreat Britain , theIsle of Man , and theChannel Islands . Its compilers wereC. A. Stace ,R. G. Ellis ,D. H. Kent andD. J. McCosh .An introduction explains the purpose of the book, the history of vice-county catalogues in Britain and Ireland, the development of the 2003 work, and the rationale for recording using vice-counties and the mertis of this compared with
grid-square recording .The bulk of the book (380 pages) consists of the census catalogue itself. This is presented as a list of
taxa , insystematic order , with, for each taxon a list of the vice-counties in which it has been recorded. Vice-county numbers rather than names are used, in order to make efficient use of space. For each vice-county in which a taxon has been recorded, the status (,archaeophyte ,neophyte orcasual ) in that vice-county is indicated (through the use of differenttypefaces ). A distinction is made between two time-periods: (i) taxa recorded since 1970 and still believed to be extant in the vice-county and (ii) taxa which have not been recorded since 1970 or which have and which are known to beextinct in that vice-county.The catalogue contains separate entries for every
species (includingmicrospecies for allapomictic groups ), as well as separate entries for allsubspecies andinterspecific hybrids . In total 4880 taxa are listed.The most recent publication dealing with this subject prior to the 2003 work was the "
Comital Flora of the British Isles " byG. C. Druce , which was published in 1932.The comprehensiveness of the work has been questioned by Hannah (2005), [Hannah, Angus (2005) "Updating the VCCC" "
BSBI News " 98:15] citing the Clyde Isles (vice-county 100), where he was able to trace 166 species for which there are records which he believed to be reliable, but which are not among the 891 listed for that vice-county.Errata
An errata list, correcting entries for 29 taxa, was published in "
BSBI News " no. 97 p.60References
ee also
* "
Census Catalogue of the Flora of Ireland "
* "A Checklist and Census Catalogue of British and Irish Bryophytes "
*List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland External links
* [http://www.botanicalkeys.co.uk/flora/vccc/index.html An online version of the catalogue]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.