Jan Kjærstad

Jan Kjærstad

Jan Kjærstad (born March 6, 1953) is a Norwegian author. Kjærstad is a theology graduate from MF Norwegian School of Theology and the University of Oslo (cand. theol.). He has written a string of novels, short stories and essays and was editor of the literary magazine "Vinduet" ("The Window"). He has received a number of prizes, the most important being the Nordic Council Literature Prize, which he received for the perspectivist trilogy about the TV personality Jonas Wergeland ("The Seducer", "The Conqueror" and "The Discoverer").

Kjærstad's books are complex and humorous, showing an outstanding ability to visualize modern life and its many interdependencies, reminiscent of a less computer-focused Neal Stephenson. His books have been translated to English, German, Danish, Swedish, and Hungarian, among others.


* "The Earth Turns Quietly" ("Kloden dreier stille rundt", Short stories, 1980)
* "Mirrors" ("Speil", Novel, 1982)
* "Homo Falsus or the Perfect Murder" ("Homo Falsus eller det perfekte mord", Novel, 1984)
* "The Great Fairy Tale" ("Det store eventyret". Novel, 1987)
* "The Matrix of Man" ("Menneskets matrise", Essays, 1989)
* "The Arabian Nights", vols 1 and 2 ("Tusen og én natt", Bind 1 og 2. Ed. 1989)
* "The Hunt for the Hidden Waffle Hearts" ("Jakten på de skjulte vaffelhjertene", Picture book, 1989)
* "Brink" ("Rand", Novel, 1990)
* "The Seducer" ("Forføreren", Novel, 1993)
* "With Sheherazade, Imagination's Queen" ("Hos Sheherasad, fantasiens dronning", Picture book, 1995)
* "The Conqueror" ("Erobreren", Novel, 1996)
* "The Human Sphere" ("Menneskets felt", Essays, 1997)
* "The Discoverer" ("Oppdageren", Novel, 1999)
* "Signs for Love" ("Tegn til kjærlighet", Novel, 2002)
* "The King of Europe" ("Kongen av Europa", Novel, 2005)

Prizes and recognition

*1984 - Mads Wiel Nygaards legat (a prize awarded to promising authors in memory of Mads Wiel Nygaards by the publisher Aschehoug)
*1984 - Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature for "Homo Falsus"
*1993 - Aschehougprisen (the primary literature prize awarded annually by the publisher Aschehoug)
*1998 - Henrik Steffens-prisen (the Henrik Steffens literature prize is awarded by the university system in Hamburg)
*2000 - Doblougprisen (Awarded by the Swedish Academy)
*2001 - Nordic Council's Literature Prize for "Oppdageren"

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  • Jan Kjaerstad — Jan Kjærstad (* 6. März 1953 in Oslo) ist ein norwegischer Schriftsteller. Er studierte Theologie an „Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet“ (Theologische Gemeindefakultät der Uni Oslo, kurz MF). Unter seinen zahlreichen Publikationen finden sich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kjærstad — Jan Kjærstad (* 6. März 1953 in Oslo) ist ein norwegischer Schriftsteller. Er studierte Theologie an „Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet“ (Theologische Gemeindefakultät der Uni Oslo, kurz MF). Unter seinen zahlreichen Publikationen finden sich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kjærstad, Jan — (1953 )    A Norwegian novelist and short story writer, Kjærstad has been active both as a writer and as a participant in literary debate. He has been an important presence on the Norwegian parnassus since his debut with the short story… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

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