- Zeno of Citium
Infobox Philosopher
region = Western Philosophy
era =Ancient philosophy
color = #B0C4DE
image_size = 200px
image_caption = Zeno of Citium
name = Zeno of Citium
birth = c. 334 BC,Citium ,Cyprus
death = c. 262 BC,Athens
school_tradition =Stoicism
main_interests =Logic ,Physics ,Ethics
notable_ideas = Founder ofStoicism
influences =Cynic ism,Crates of Thebes ,Heraclitus , Hipparchia, Polemo,Stilpo
influenced =Cleanthes ,Chrysippus ,Panaetius ,Posidonius , Seneca,Epictetus ,Marcus Aurelius , and many othersZeno of Citium ( _el. Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς, "Zēnōn ho Kitieŭs") (334 BC - 262 BC) was a Greek
philosopher fromCitium ( _el. Κίτιον),Cyprus . Zeno was the founder of theStoic school of philosophy which he taught inAthens , from about 300 BC. Based on the moral ideas of theCynics , Stoicism laid great emphasis on thegoodness and peace of mind which would arise from living a life ofvirtue in accordance withnature . It would prove to be very successful, and flourished as the dominant philosophy from theHellenistic period through to theRoman era .Life
Zeno was also a merchant until the age of 42, when he started the Stoic school of philosophy. The story goes that, after a shipwreck, Zeno wandered into a bookshop in
Athens and was attracted to the works ofSocrates . He asked the librarian how to find the man. In response, the librarian pointed to Crates of Thebes, later to become his teacher. Named for his teaching platform, theStoa (Greek for "porch"), his teachings were the beginning ofStoicism . None of Zeno's own works have survived to modern times; however, his teachings have been passed on, including his main concept that "tranquility can best be reached through indifference to pleasure and pain."Zeno was described as a haggard, tanned person, living a spare,
ascetic life. This coincides with the influences of Cynic teaching, and was, at least in part, continued in his Stoic philosophy.Diogenes Laërtius , biographer of the Greek philosophers, left the most extensive writings about Zeno's life with his work "Lives of Eminent Philosophers". Although these writings miss deeper introspection into the "philosophical" ideas of Zeno, the anecdotal descriptions leave a colorful image of the "historical" figure Zeno. Some examples:
* "He had very few youthful acquaintances of the male sex, and he did not cultivate them much, lest he should be thought to be amisogynist . He dwelt in the same house withPersaeus ; and once, when Persaeus brought in a female flute-player to him, Zeno hastened to return her."It is not clear whether thisPersaeus , who was later sent as Zeno's proxy to KingAntigonus II Gonatas ofMacedon ia, was Zeno's lover, servant oramanuensis .
* "He was, it is said, of a very accommodating temper; so much so, that Antigonus, the king, often came to dine with him, and often carried him off to dinner at the house of Aristocles the harp-player; but when he was there, he would presently steal away."
* "When he was asked why he, who was generally austere, indulged himself at a dinner party, he said, "Lupines too are bitter, but when they are soaked they become sweet."Zeno preached that "man conquers the world by conquering himself." He lectured his students on the value of "apatheia," which he explained to be "the absence of passion." Only by controlling one's emotion and physical desire, he argued, could we develop wisdom and the ability to apply it. By developing an indifference to pain and pleasure through
meditation , the practicing Stoic will develop a wisdom stemming from suppressing the influence of passions, and ultimately, will attain wisdom. He is the inventor of the concept of "Kathekon ."During his lifetime, Zeno received appreciation for his philosophical and
pedagogical teachings. Amongst other things, Zeno has been honored with the golden crown, and a tomb was built in honor of his moral influence on the youth of his era.The Zeno crater on the
Moon is named in his honor.Philosophy
Following the ideas of the Academics, Zeno divided
philosophy into three parts:Logic (a very wide subject includingrhetoric ,grammar , and the theories ofperception andthought );Physics (not justscience , but the divine nature of the universe as well); andEthics , the end goal of which was to achieve happiness through the right way of living according to Nature. Because Zeno's ideas were built upon byChrysippus and other Stoics, it can be difficult to determine, in some areas, precisely what he thought, but his general views can be outlined:Logic
In his treatment of Logic, Zeno was influenced by
Stilpo and the other Megarians. Zeno urged the need to lay down a basis for Logic because the wise person must know how to avoid deception. [Cicero, "Academica", ii. 20.]Cicero accused Zeno of being inferior to his philosophical predecessors in his treatment of Logic, [Cicero, "de Finibus", iv. 4.] and it seems true that a more exact treatment of the subject was laid down by his successors, includingChrysippus . [Sextus Empiricus, "adv. Math." vii. 253.] Zeno divided true conceptions into the comprehensible and the incomprehensible, [Cicero, "Academica", ii. 6, 24.] permitting for free-will the power of assent ("sunkatathesis") in distinguishing between sense impressions.Cicero, "Academica", i. 11.] Zeno said that there were four stages in the process leading to trueknowledge , which he illustrated with the example of the flat, extendedhand , and the gradual closing of thefist :Zeno stretched out his fingers, and showed the palm of his hand, - "Perception," - he said, - "is a thing like this."- Then, when he had closed his fingers a little, - "Assent is like this." - Afterwards, when he had completely closed his hand, and showed his fist, that, he said, was Comprehension. From which simile he also gave that state a name which it had not before, and called it "katalepsis". But when he brought his left hand against his right, and with it took a firm and tight hold of his fist:
- "Knowledge" - he said, was of that character; and that was what none but a wise person possessed. [Cicero, "Academica", ii. 4.]
Universe , in Zeno's view, isGod : [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 148.] a divine reasoning entity, where all the parts belong to the whole. [Sextus Empiricus, "adv. Math." ix. 104, 101; Cicero, "de Natura Deorum", ii. 8.] Into thispantheistic system he incorporated the physics ofHeraclitus ; the Universe contains a divine artisan-fire, which foresees everything,Cicero, "de Natura Deorum", ii. 22.] and extending throughout the Universe, must produce everything:Zeno, then, defines nature by saying that it is artistically working fire, which advances by fixed methods to creation. For he maintains that it is the main function of art to create and produce, and that what the hand accomplishes in the productions of the arts which we employ, is accomplished much more artistically by nature, that is, as I said, by artistically working fire, which is the master of the other arts.
The Nature of the Universe is such that it accomplishes what is right and prevents the opposite,Cicero, "de Natura Deorum", i. 14.] and is identified with unconditional Fate, [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 88, 148, etc., 156.] while allowing it the free-will attributed to it.
Like the
Cynics , Zeno recognised a single, sole and simple good, [Cicero, "Academica", i. 16. 2.] which is the only goal to strive for. [Cicero, "de Finibus", iii. 6. 8; comp. Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 100, etc.] "Happiness is a good flow of life," said Zeno, [Stobaeus, 2.77.] and this can only be achieved through the use of right Reason coinciding with the Universal Reason, ("Logos ") which governs everything. A bad feeling ("pathos") "is a disturbance of the mind repugnant to Reason, and against Nature." [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 6.] This consistency of soul, out of which morally good actions spring, isVirtue , [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 15.] true good can only consist in Virtue. [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 102, 127.]Zeno deviated from the Cynics in saying that things which are morally indifferent could nevertheless have value to us. Things have a relative value in proportion to how they aid the natural instinct for self-preservation. [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 85; Cicero, "de Finibus", iii. 5, 15, iv. 10, v. 9, "Academica", i. 16.] That which is to be preferred is a "fitting action" ("kathêkon"), a designation which Zeno first introduced. [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 108.] Self-preservation, and the things which contribute towards it, has only a conditional value; it does not aid happiness, which depends only on moral actions. [Cicero, "de Finibus", iii. 13.]
Just as Virtue can only exist within the dominion of Reason, so Vice can only exist with the rejection of Reason. Virtue is absolutely opposed to Vice, [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 13, "Academica", i. 10, "de Finibus", iii. 21, iv. 9, "Parad." iii. 1; Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 127.] the two cannot exist in the same thing together, and cannot be increased or decreased; [Cicero, "de Finibus", iii. 14, etc.] no one moral action is more virtuous than another. [Cicero, "de Finibus", iii. 14; Sextus Empiricus, "adv. Math." vii. 422.] All actions are either good or bad, since impulses and desires rest upon free consent, [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 9, "Academica", i. 10.] and hence even passive mental states or emotions which are not guided by Reason are immoral, [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 110; Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 6. 14.] and produce immoral actions. [Cicero, "de Finibus", iv. 38; Plutarch, "de Virt. mor."] Zeno distinguished four negative
emotions : desire, fear, pleasure and pain ("epithumia, phobos, hêdonê, lupê"), [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 6; Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 110.] and he was probably responsible for distinguishing the three corresponding positive emotions: will, caution, and joy ("boulêsis, eulabeia, chara"), with no corresponding rational equivalent for pain. All errors must be rooted out, not merely set aside, [Cicero, "Tusculanae Quaestiones", iv. 18, etc.] and replaced with right Reason.Works
The titles of many of Zeno's writings are known. They are known to have been these: [Diogenes Laërtius, vii. 4.]
*Ethical writings:
**Πολιτεία - "Republic"
**ἠθικά - "Ethics"
**περὶ τοῦ κατὰ φύσιν βίον - "On Life according to Nature"
**περὶ ὁρμῆς ἧ περὶ ἁνθρώρου φύσεως - "On Impulse, or on the Nature of Humans"
**περὶ παθῶν - "On Passions"
**περὶ τοῦ καθήκοντος - "On Duty"
**περὶ νόμου - "On Law"
**περὶ Έλληνικῆς παιδείας - "On Greek Education"
**ἐρωτικὴ τέχνη - "The Art of Love"
*Physical writings:
**περὶ τοῦ ὅλου - "On the Universe"
**περὶ οὐσίας - "On Being"
**περὶ σημείων - "On Signs"
**περὶ ὄψεως - "On Sight"
**περὶ τοῦ λόγου - "On the Logos"
*Logical writings:
**διατριϐαί - "Discourses"
**περὶ λεξεως - "On Verbal Style"
**λύσεις, ἔλεγχοι - "Solutions and Refutations"
*Other works:
**περὶ ποιητικῆς ἀκροάσεως - "On Poetical Readings"
**προϐλημάτων Όμηρικῶη πέντε - "Homeric Problems"
**καθολικά - "General Things"
**Άπομνημονεύματα Κράτητος - "Reminiscences of Crates"
**Πυθαγορικά - "Pythagorean Doctrines"The most famous of these works was Zeno's "Republic", a work written in conscious imitation of (or opposition to)
Plato . Although it has not survived, more is known about it than any of his other works. It outlined Zeno's vision of the ideal Stoic society built on egaliterian principles.Quotations of Zeno
Further reading
* Pearson, A., [http://www.archive.org/details/thefragmentsofze00zenouoft "Fragments of Zeno and Cleanthes"] , (1891). Greek/Latin fragments with English commentary.
*Long, A., Sedley, D., (1987), "The Hellenistic Philosophers", Volume 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-27556-3
*Schofield, M., (1991), "The Stoic Idea of the City". Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-39740-8
*Hunt, H., (1976), "A physical interpretation of the universe: The doctrines of Zeno the Stoic". Melbourne University Press. ISBN 0-522-84100-7External links
* [http://www.sensiblemarks.info/zeno.html Zeno of Citium] in [http://www.sensiblemarks.info Sensible Marks of Ideas]
* [http://neptune.spaceports.com/~words/zeno.html Zeno of Citium] by Robin Turner.
* [http://members.aol.com/heraklit1/zeno.htm Zeno of Cittium - founder of Stoicism] by Paul Harrison.Persondata
NAME= Zeno of Citium
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς; Zēnōn ho Kitieŭs
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Greekphilosopher ofStoic school of thought
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