European Association of History Educators

European Association of History Educators


The European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) was established in 1992 with the support of the Council of Europe. EUROCLIO is an International NGO that actively functions as a European wide facilitator for innovation and progress in History Education. The organisation contributes not only to the development, but also on the actual implementation of regional, national and European long-term projects, which focus on establishing knowledge, experience and expertise in the countries by training and consulting teachers. EUROCLIO develops teaching materials, builds and maintains professional Networks and acts as advisor to governments, international organisations, NGO’s, History Teacher Associations and other Organisations. EUROCLIO is supported by the Jean Monnet Programme as part of the European Union Life Long Learning Programme and has, for many years, Official Participatory Status (external link) and is part of the EU Stake Holder’s Network in Education and Training.

= Why is a balanced history education important? =

History is the core subject for Civic Education and traditionally a significant part of the school curriculum in Europe: it is considered to be the vehicle for subject and transferable skills, knowledge and understanding, but it can be misused as a tool for nation states to create patriotism and a strong national identity. EUROCLIO believes that uncritical narratives, invented and exaggerated ‘heroic’ stories of struggle and suffering, myths and stereotypes can be problematic and can threaten tolerance, democracy and the truth of multiperspectivity (external link).

Education policies and regulations are commonly decided by national governments. In history this results in a focus that is very nationally oriented. Research by EUROCLIO confirms that the national dimension in history education is overrepresented whereas the regional, European and international dimensions are underrepresented. The disadvantage of a dominantly national approach is a distortion in historical events. Many historical events only make sense when they are seen in a larger context. ‘The emergence of nation states’ ‘emancipation of women’, ‘arts’, ‘economic depressions’, ‘famines’ and ‘the Industrial Revolution’ are just some topics that need an international dimension .

Also, citizenship is an inalienable component of history education. The past offers a wealth of opportunities to study the variety of components in citizenship and aims to foster a commitment to democratic societies and an awareness of shared fundamental values.

Skills and competencies such as the development of critical thinking, gathering and processing information, cooperative learning and communication skills serve as lifelong skills, and build well informed citizens with transferable skills. Grasping the meaning of concepts such as interpretation, democracy, tolerance and identity will equip students to transfer such meanings and become fully-fledged members of their society, able to participate in the wider sphere.

= Background =


Since its foundation, EUROCLIO has placed balanced history at the centre of education of responsible national and global citizens, of fostering international understanding, respect and cooperation. The primary aims are, to:

• Promote an approach to history education, which supports peace and stability in Europe and reinforces democratic values and skills. • Smooth out the ragged edges of nationalism and other similar ideologies, question myths and put stereotypes and traditional enemy-images into perspective. • Stimulate critical thinking, pose questions and initiate debates. EUROCLIO does not only focus on diminishing tensions between countries, but also tries to bring together different communities within countries by exploring the sometimes painful past through a safe environment and through a careful and well prepared process.

EUROCLIO focuses on three target areas:

• Contribute to the Lifelong Learning of History Educators by enhancing the quality of history teaching, encourage innovation and professionalism.• Promote intercultural dialogue through co-operation, communication and networking.• Contribute to Participatory Governance and management innovation through creating and strengthening independent professional organisations.

History of EUROCLIO

EUROCLIO was officially founded in 1993, but already in 1992, delegates from 14 countries (Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia, The Netherlands, France, The United Kingdom, Finland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden and Norway), representing 18 History Teachers Associations decided that an European organization was needed to support the learning and teaching of history by sharing and exchanging knowledge and professional experience. The immediate cause for the foundation of such an institute was the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989 and the Soviet Union in 1992. This event changed the scope and perspective of history and history education in Europe completely and for many countries, a European dimension in history education suddenly became possible and important for the future. History education is frequently used as a vehicle for political propaganda, hatred and aggression, but now the decision was made to renew contacts between East and West and reinforce a history education that could act as a tool to foster integration, peace and stability in Europe. From 1993 on, EUROCLIO grew rapidly and today it represents 64 member organizations from 46 (mostly) European countries, connecting 40,000 historians and history educators in primary, secondary and higher educational institutes.

= Activities =

Teacher Training and Conferences

Teaching history means a transfer of historical knowledge, competencies and values and dispositions. Although many history educators in Europe are generally well educated the constant rate of change and the desire for continuous improvement means that keeping up with current academic research and innovation is essential. Such professional need regular updating of their professional capacities, and consequently EUROCLIO has been working with thousands of history educators and students since 1993 to improve their competences and to encourage reflection on the learning and teaching of history.

Each year, EUROCLIO organises an International Training and Development Course where, on average, History Educators from more than 35 countries meet, learn and discuss a variety of topics and good practice to broaden their perspectives. These Annual Conferences take place in different countries and in close co-operation with local History Teachers’ Associations. In 2009, the Conference will be in Nicosia, Cyprus, on the theme “Taking the Perspective of the Others: Intercultural Dialogue and History Teaching”. This Conference is co-organised by nine Teacher Unions and History Educators’ Associations from across the divide.

All EUROCLIO Teacher Training activities are in close co-operation with both local academics and institutes for history teacher education, and international experts to train history teachers how to use the most modern teaching methods in their classes. For example: history educators everywhere recognise the importance of ICT as a learning and communications tool, and want further training in how to develop these areas and how to extend their skills in using ICT to promote historical understanding and learning. EUROCLIO operates through the medium of English for international work, and in home languages with translations for the experts supporting projects and in developmental work.

Since its foundation, EUROCLIO has organised more than 30 International Conferences and more than 70 National and Regional Training and Development Courses.


Many International Events are part of a Long term Projects, which either involve European countries as a whole, or they focus on one particular country or region. These Projects support local History Educators’ Associations and teachers to develop innovative textbooks and teacher resource books, encourage a thoughtful use of active and innovative approaches to meet local needs, based on up-to-date scholarship and pedagogy and aid History Educators’ Associations to create a sensitive balance between national, regional and international history, taking into account the position of minority groups, controversial issues and different cultures and civilisations.

EUROCLIO projects always focus on ethnic, religious and gender. This does not only ensure equal opportunities but also lead intercultural dialogue within teams and inclusive teaching resources. It is common practice of EUROCLIO to use experts from one running or previous project to add to the learning experiences of other projects. This transnational cooperation does also increase the European dimension of history education and reduces the risk of a national bias in the developed material.

Today, EUROCLIO has been or is involved in more than twenty Long Term Projects, which have already led to the publication of 13 innovative textbooks and teacher resource books.


EUROCLIO believes that a strong democratic and independent civil society can be reinforced by encouraging the foundation and maintenance of robust history educators’ organisations and professional NGOs. By reinforcing independent local, regional and European networks of history educators, trainers and academic historians, EUROCLIO has strengthened the pool of those able and willing to take their share and responsibility for democracy, peace and stability.

The Organization lobbies for support for teachers, for leave from school and for financial support in taking up in-service training opportunities in Europe and in separate countries by contacting Ministries of Education, Local Authorities and School Directors. As an official Advisor of the Council of Europe, EUROCLIO advises policy makers in Europe and attends meetings, ensuring that the position of History Educators is made clear. Over the years, many governments, international organisations, NGOs, History Teachers’ Associations and other organisations have contacted EUROCLIO for advice.

Today, EUROCLIO is an important platform for a large international Network that continues to grow. To keep its members informed, EUROCLIO maintains a website,, where information is continuously updated. The Organization also publishes 2 Bulletins and 6 digital Newsletters a year, thus ensuring that its members are informed about developments within the network and in the field of History Education.

= Member Organisations of EUROCLIO =


ALBNA "Youth and History"

Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik' Österreich

History Teachers of Azerbaijan

Byelorussian Association of Historians

Rogneda, the History Teachers´ Association of Belarus


Bulgarian History Teachers´ Association

Croatian History Teachers' Association

Association of Greek Cypriot Philologists, SEKF-OELMEK

Association for Historical Dialogue and Research

Historical Research Centre K.T.O.E.O.S

Czech Republic
History Teachers´ Association of the Czech Republic

Danish History Teachers´ Association

Eesti ajalooopetajate selts

Historian ja Yhteiskuntaopin Opettajien Liitto, HYOL

Association des Professeurs d'Histoire et Geographie

The Independent Association of History Teachers from Georgia

Verband der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands e. V

Törtenelemtanarok Egylete

The History Teachers´ Association of Iceland

Cumann Múinteoirí Staire na hÉireann

Clio'92 - Association of Research Groups on History Teaching and Learning

Historia Ludens


Association of History and Civics Teachers "Filia"

Latvijas Vestures Skolotaju Asociacija

Lietuvos Istorijos Mokyjtok Asociacija

Association Luxembourgeoise des Enseignants d'Histoire, ALEH

Association of the Historians of the Republic of Macedonia

I-Ghaqda ta´l-Ghalliema ta´l-Istorja

Center for Educational Innovation

History Teachers' Association Moldova

Euroclio Crna Gora

The Netherlands
VGN - Vereniging van docenten in Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland



Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Historii

Associação de Professores de História - APH

Association of History Teachers from Romania, APIR-Clio

Societatea de Siinte Istorice din Romania

Moscow History Teachers´ Association

History Teachers´ Association of Arkhangelsk

History Teachers´Association of St.-Petersburg

Khabarovsk History Teachers´Association

Association for Social History

Slovak History Teachers Association

Slovenian History Teachers´Association

Asociacion del Profesorado de Historia y Geografia

Swedish History Teachers´Association

Société Suisse des maitres d'histoire / Verein Schweizerischer Geschichtslehrer / Società svizzera dei professori di storia

Republic Association of Teachers of History, Law and Public Science

All-Ukrainian History Teachers´ Association - Nova Doba

United Kingdom
The Historical Association

United Kingdom History Teacher Education Network (HTEN)

Scottish Association of Teachers in History, S.A.T.H.

Association of History Teachers in Wales


National Center for History Education

European Educational Publishers Group

Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research

Koerber Stiftung

The International Society for History Didactics - Lehrstuhl fuer Didaktik der Geschichte Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg

Cummings Centre for Russian and East European Studies, Tel Aviv University

Ben Baso - Asociacion de Profesores para la Difusion y Proteccion del Partimonio

External links

* [ EUROCLIO website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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