- Queer Student Union
Queer Student Union refers to multiple
collegiate extracirricular groups which exist as a "safe space " forgay ,lesbian ,bisexual , ortransgender college students. While none of the groups are formally tied together on anintercollegiate scale, many colleges and universities have a chapter of Queer Student Union, each with a similarmission statement , with heavy regards to a stance of safe-space. One common portion of each organization's mission statements reads:"The Queer Student Union's mission is to create a safe, open and confidential atmosphere where gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered people and friends can gather, openly discuss important issues and make new friends. (humboldt.edu)"
Colleges With Queer Student Union Groups
Humboldt State University
*Columbia University —Columbia Queer Alliance
*Florida International University
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*Purdue University — [http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~triangle/main.html Purdue University QSU]
*Rochester Institute of Technology [http://ritga.rit.edu/ RIT Gay Alliance]
*Temple University
*Towson University
*University of California - Santa Barbara
*University of Virginia
*University of Nevada, Reno
*University of Kansas —Queers and Allies
*University of Miami
*University of Massachusetts Boston Medical Schools with LGBT student groups
Touro University Gay-Straight Alliance
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.