UQ Union

UQ Union

The UQ Union is the central student organisation at the University of Queensland. It is operationally organised by a Council of 25 elected students. The Union represents and advocates for students' rights to both the university administration and government. This includes organising student-oriented events and operating most of its student servicing facilities.

Union Services

The union operates most of the campus's student eateries, cafes, bookshops in addition to the university bar and cinema. These facilities and services are concentrated at the Union Complex at the St Lucia campus, union services are provided at all campuses.

The union organises the university's orientation week ("O-Week") activities, regular barbecues and free bands, as well as a range of larger events, such as Oktoberfest. It funds the university's 135 clubs and societies, including faculty, ethnic, and a variety of social groups; sporting groups, however, fall under the domain of UQ Sport. The UQ Union also provides a free legal service to university students. In addition, it also organises the weekly Wednesday markets at the St Lucia campus.

tudent Representation

The union coordinates student representation to the University through its Student Representation and Postgraduate Student Areas, supporting students to take positions on faculty and University committees, and the Academic Board. The Student Union recently successfully negotiated for the University to contribute 1 million dollars to the Union annually for student services. The Union also negotiated formula marking scheme, a scheme which can deduct marks from students in multiple choice exams if the marker believes the student guessed answers, to be abolished.


One of the other roles of the union is to see that minority groups on campus are adequately represented. To this extent, they provide a queer space at St Lucia and women's spaces at both St Lucia and Ipswich campuses. The spaces at St Lucia are rooms in the UQ Union building, open all the time; they provide a safe place for discussion and political organization related to women's and queer issues, as well as socialising. They also provide students with access to information about relevant topics like feminism and safe sex. The union also has queer, women's, environment, disabilities and Indigenous collectives to represent their respective interests, all of which are headed by at least one elected officer who sits on the union's committee.

Presidents of the UQ Student Union


External links

* [http://www.uqu.uq.edu.au UQ Union]

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