Suling — performer, member of the … Wikipedia
Gamelan Gadhon — A Gamelan Gadhon is an ensemble consisting of the soft instruments of the Javanese gamelan. This can include rebab, gendér, gendér panerus, voice, slenthem, suling, siter, gong, kempul, kenong and kendhang.The instruments and their functionsThe… … Wikipedia
Rebab — This article is about the bowed instrument. For the Central Asian plucked instrument known as the Kabuli rebab , see Rubab. For the rebab used by Sikh musicians, known as the Seni rebab , see Seni rebab. Rebabs Mevlâna mausoleum, Konya, Turkey… … Wikipedia
Saron (instrument) — Saron barung (front, with wooden mallets) and saron panerus (in back, with horn mallet) The saron is a musical instrument of Indonesia, which is used in the gamelan. It typically consists of seven bronze bars placed on top of a resonating frame… … Wikipedia
Kenong — The kenong is one of the instruments used in the Indonesian gamelan. It is technically a kind of gong, but is placed on its side and is roughly as tall as it is wide. It thus is similar to the bonang, kempyang and ketuk, which are also cradled… … Wikipedia
Colotomy — For the surgical operation, see colostomy. Colotomy is a term coined by the ethnomusicologist Jaap Kunst[1] to describe the rhythmic patterns of the gamelan. It refers to the use of specific instruments to mark off nested time intervals, or the… … Wikipedia
Balungan — The balungan (Javanese: skeleton, frame ) is sometimes called the core melody of a Javanese gamelan composition. This corresponds to the view that gamelan music is heterophonic: the balungan is then the melody which is being elaborated. The group … Wikipedia
Gerong — is the Javanese verb meaning to sing in a chorus. Penggerong is the proper name of a member of the chorus, but often the word gerong is used to refer to the unison male chorus that sings with the gamelan. The chorus or the melody may also be… … Wikipedia
Kemanak — is a banana shaped idiophone used in Javanese gamelan, made of bronze. They are actually metal slit drums. It is stuck with a padded stick and then allowed to resonate. It has a specific pitch, which can be varied by covering the slit, but it is… … Wikipedia
Sekaran — (Javanese for flowering ) is a type of elaboration used in the Javanese gamelan, especially on the bonang barung.It is similar to the cengkok of other elaborating instruments in its floridity and openness to improvisation, but a sekaran generally … Wikipedia