


caption=Acrata (bottom), El Muerto (lower left) and Iman (upper left) with Superman art by Huberto Ramos
real_name=Andrea Rojas
publisher=DC Comics
debut="Superman Annual" (vol.) 2 #12 (August 2000)
creators=Oscar Pinto, Francisco Haghenbeck (writer)
Giovanni Barberi. (artist)
powers=Shadow teleportation and martial arts.|

Acrata (Andrea Rojas) is a fictional character from DC Comics who was created as part of the "Planet DC" annuals event. Her first appearance is in "Superman Annual" (vol.) 2 #12 (August 2000). She was created by Oscar Pinto, Giovanni Barberi, and F.G. Haghenbeck. Her signature uniform is a black suit with green stripes at her sides, with the Mayan symbol of night at her forehead.Citation | last = Beatty | first = Scott | author-link = Scott Beatty | contribution = Acrata | editor-last = Dougall | editor-first = Alastair | title = The DC Comics Encyclopedia | pages = 8 | publisher = Dorling Kindersley | place = London | year = 2008 ]

Character's background

Acrata's real name is Andrea Rojas, a Mexican national. Andrea's father is Bernardo Rojas, a former political leader in Central America who now researches "Prehispanic Cultures" at the fictional Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Mexico. She lives alone with her cat Zapata.

Acrata specializes in striking against Organized crime. Every time she catches a perpetrator or helps avert a tragedy, she cites a literary quotation or paints graffiti insulting or challenging the local authorities.

She often works with fellow Mexican superheroes Iman and El Muerto. Together with Superman, the three saved Mexico and the world from total destruction at the hands of a bio-terrorist group led by a Mexican sorcerer named Duran, who was trying to channel the powers inherent in the ley lines of Earth.

Powers and abilities

Acrata's powers came from an ancient Mayan symbol which represents the shadows in the night, which allows her to teleport whenever in shadow. It is unknown how Andrea came into possession of the symbol. She is also a talented hand-to-hand fighter.

Other media

Andrea Rojas has appeared in "Smallville", played by Denise Quiñones. She first appeared in the episode "Vengeance" and then in the '. The television version has a different back story and different abilities than her comic counterpart. This Acrata possesses super strength, which allows her to make super jumps across the city, and super agility, gained from a heart transplant from one of Smallville's "meteor freaks" (Kryptonite-mutated residents). She uses her powers to act as the Angel of Vengeance and defend Metropolis and Suicide Slum. Although she never goes by the name Acrata"', she does mention that it is the name of the organization that her mother worked for, which also targets organized crime.

External links

* [ DCU Guide: Acrata]
* [ Superman Homepage: Superman Annual #12]


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