University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf

University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf

The University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf, founded in 1994, is a business, media and technics vocational university in lower Bavaria, Germany, which places high value on practical and international experience. Apart from its undergraduate and graduate courses the UAS Deggendorf offers further education on universitylevel.

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The University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf continually achieves outstanding results in germanwide university rankings.

Business magazine "Karriere:

Germanys second best University of Applied Sciences in
*"Business administration"
*"Engineer Studies"

Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE)- University Ranking

Outstanding results in
*"Civil Engineering"
*"Business Administration"
*"Electrical Engineering & Information Technology"
*"Mechanical Engineering"
*"Computer Science for Business"

Der Arbeitskreis Personalmarketing (dapm)

Tested were social and practical competences and international orientation among 100 Bachelor - programs in Germany. The bachelor degree course "International Management" offered in Deggendorf was given a top score with three out of three possible stars and was among the best Bachelor programs in Germany.

International orientation

International cooperation between universities is one of the major objectives, encouraging greater mobility of students and teachers around Europe and the world. Currently, students from more than 50 countries represent a multitude of ethnic, cultural and linguistic groups.Several universities from the following countries are cooperating with Deggendorf University of Applies Sciences:
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China and Hong Kong,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, USA

Undergraduate Courses of Study

*Business Administration
*International Management
*Computer Science for Business
*Civil and Construction Engineering
*Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
*Media Technology
*Mechanical Engineering
*Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration is the largest at the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf. There are three degree programmes: Business Administration, International Management and Computer Science for Business.

Business Administration

This course prepares students to broad scope of tasks. Business economist work in many different areas such as Marketing, Controlling, Finance, Human Resourcs and Production in diverse economic sectors. (German)

International Management

As a response to globalization the degree course International Management was created in the winter term 2003. This course, totally conducted in English, provides its participants with the practical business knowledge and soft skills necessary for management career in an internationally oriented company. (English)

Computer Science for Business

This courses combines Business Administration and Informatics. It is also taught as a virtual IT - course. (German)zz

Civil and Construction Engineering

The Department of Civil and Construction Engineering places a special emphasis on the fields of Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering Law, Contract Procedures and Management. Special attention is also concentrated on the use of new media and computer technology. Certain facilities are used for research and technical development in active cooperation with regional industry. (German)

Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering is in close contact to industry guarantees up-to-date teaching and research in this course of studies. In the Quality Control and Reliability Study Lab, integrated circuits are examined for the durability of semiconductor devices with nano structures. The most modern equipment is available, for example, the so called Atomic Force Microscope. With the help of a scanning electron microscope, electrical and magnetic characteristics of surfaces can also be examined. (German)

Media Technology

Media Technology has developed into one of the most popular fields of study within a very short period of time at the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf. Basic theoretical knowledge in the areas of Printing, TV/Film, Radio and New Media as well as special topics dealing with media in design, technology and informatics is taught in lectures and courses. This information is implemented in practically oriented lab projects. (German)

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering students gain thorough, special knowledge and learn to study independently as well as to work in groups on projects, which further good communication skills and cooperation. Numerous research and cooperative projects with industries allow the students to gain the necessary practical experience. English courses and internships in foreign countries prepare students to work internationally. (German)


The melting of the three majors, Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Mechanical Engineering, into one field of Mechatronics is creating excellent career prospects for graduates in this area. In the area of teaching, the University of Applied Sciences places great value on solid background training in mathematics and physics. The intensive use of mathematic software tools is maintained throughout the entire course of studies. (German)

Graduate courses of Study

The Master programmes concentrate on personnel development of the participants and on transferring theoretical inputs back into the participantsown job situation based on state of the art academic knowledge and methods.

*Master of Business AdministrationHealth care - management
*Master of Business AdministrationManagement
*Master of Business AdministrationHuman resource – & organisation - development
*Master of Business AdministrationEnterprise foundation and leadership
*Master of Business AdministrationIT Management and Information Systems

Master of Business AdministrationHealth Care Management

The MBA in Health Care Management is a 3-semester part-time (Friday, Saturday) program designed to provide training of management skills needed for the variety of daily tasks and roles that are demanded in today's health care environment. The MBA/HCM specialization is based upon courses in health care performance improvement, health care finance, controlling, quality and data base management, health care project and strategic management.


The University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf has developed interdisciplinary profiles for application - oriented research. Scientific results are further developed to marketable products, methods and services. Research at the UAS Deggendorf mainly concentrates on technical, business and organisational problems of smaller and medium - sized companies.

*Profile 1: optical technologies, measurement engineering and production
*Profile 2: informatics, communication and media
*Profile 3: microelectronics, micro - systems - engineering and nanotechnology
*Profile 4: materials
*Profile 5: water and environmen
*Profile 6: e-learning and e-business
*Profile 7: strategy, controlling, processes and organisation


The University of Applied Sciences provides a variety of student facilities. These include:
*Career Centre
*International Office
*Language Centre
*Computer Facilities
*Student Services
*University - sports

The Career Centre with a variety of supporting services helps with: career relevant courses, contacts to local companies and a job fair. The abilities you will develop throughout your studies will ensure you gain important skills that are valued highly by future employers.

The International Office provides guidance and counselling to both German and international students.

The Language Centre at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences opened in the winter semester 2001/2002 with the intention of expanding the foreign language program The main focus of the Language Centre is on teaching oral ability and listening comprehension skills. German is offered as a Foreign Language course along with French, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Russian are taught.

Deggendorf University is proud of its excellent library. Computer desks allow individual, multimedia learning and study. The library team is eager to help both university members as well as outside visitors in a friendly and competent manner.

The Computer Facilities in the various University departments have state-of-the-art equipment. Internet-access and design programmes are, available, as well as ISDN or modems which allow easy access from home and on campus.

The Student Services Unit is responsible for all food and drinks in the Mensa (the dining hall) and the Cafeteria. Information on the Student Hall can be found on:


To meet the requirement of the economy the University of Applied Sciences has created new degrees courses of study (International Management, Computer Science for Business, Media Technology, Mechatronics). In the course of the Bologna Process all study degrees will be changed to Bachelor/ Master.

External links

* [ University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf]
* [ Further Education at the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf]
* [ Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) Ranking]

* [ Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst - Ranking]
* [,81,87&dokid=122&portal=true/ Arbeitskreis Personal Marketing (dapm) Ranking]
* [ City of Deggendorf]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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