recycle — re‧cy‧cle [ˌriːˈsaɪkl] verb [intransitive, transitive] to put used objects or materials through a special process, so that they can be used again: • We recycle all our cans and bottles. • Environmentalists have attacked the material because it… … Financial and business terms
ReCycle — Разработчик Propellerhead Software Операционная система Microsoft Windows Mac OS X Первый выпуск 1994 год Последняя версия 2.1.2 Лицензия Проприетарная Сайт … Википедия
ReCycle (program) — ReCycle is a music loop editor designed and developed by Swedish software developers Propellerhead Software. It runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh based PCs. The software debuted in 1994.The principal idea of ReCycle is to alter the… … Wikipedia
recycle — [rē sī′kəl] vt. recycled, recycling 1. to pass through a cycle or part of a cycle again, as for checking, treating, etc. 2. to use again and again, as a single supply of water in cooling, washing, diluting, etc. 3. a) to treat or process in order … English World dictionary
Recycle — bezeichnet: in der Verfahrenstechnik allgemein die Rückführung eines Stoffstroms Recycle (Texas), Ort in den Vereinigten Staaten ReCycle steht für: eine Musiksoftware der Firma Propellerhead Software … Deutsch Wikipedia
recycle bin — UK US noun [C] ► IT a computer program where you store files or folders that you want to delete before deleting them permanently: »It is possible to retrieve deleted files from the recycle bin. ► (also recycling bin) ENVIRONMENT a container for… … Financial and business terms
recycle bin — UK US noun [countable] [singular recycle bin plural recycle bins] computing a place on a computer where documents, files, and programs that you have removed are kept Thesaurus: parts of computer programs, system … Useful english dictionary
Recycle our Water McNair Gallup Poll — A McNair Gallup Poll [] on recycled water was conducted in 2006 by McNair Ingenuity Research [] , using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing on 1,000 randomly selected people… … Wikipedia
Recycle It, Don't Trash It! — Recycle It, Don t Trash It!, is the name of an anti pollution slogan that was included on all arcade games imported into the US from 1992 through to the year of 2000. The message appeared during the attract modes of both video games and on some… … Wikipedia
recycle — (v.) 1922, originally of industrial processes; see RE (Cf. re ) + CYCLE (Cf. cycle) (v.). Specifically of waste material from 1960. Related: Recycled; RECYCLING (Cf. recycling) … Etymology dictionary
recycle — [v] reuse convert, reclaim, recover, reprocess, salvage, save; concept 134 … New thesaurus