Eva MacMurrough

Eva MacMurrough

Aoife MacMurrough (1145 – 1188, _ga. Aoife Ní Diarmait), also known as Aoife of Leinster, was the daughter of Dermot MacMurrough ( _ga. Diarmait MacMurchada), King of Leinster, and his wife More O'Toole (c.1114-1191). [http://www.gurganus.org/ourfamily/browse.cfm?pid=902] On 29 August 1170, following the Norman invasion of Ireland that her father had requested, she married Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, better known as Strongbow, the leader of the Norman invasion force, in Christchurch Cathedral, Waterford. Under Anglo-Norman law, this gave Strongbow succession rights to the Kingdom of Leinster. Under Irish Brehon law, the marriage gave him no such rights. Aoife conducted battles on behalf of her husband and is sometimes known as Red Eva ( _ga. Aoife Rua).


*Salmonson, Jessica Amanda.(1991) "The Encyclopedia of Amazons. Paragon House". Page 160. ISBN 1-55778-420-5
*O Croinin, Daibhi., Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200, (1995) Longman Press: London and New York, p281.
*Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Lines: 66-26, 175-7, 261-30.

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