

Touro may refer to:

*Isaac Touro (1738-1783), a Jewish leader in colonial America.
*Judah Touro (1775-1854), a Jewish leader in colonial America and son of Isaac Touro.

*Touro Synagogue, the oldest Synagogue in the United States, located in Newport, Rhode Island.
* Touro Synagogue, a synagogue in New Orleans
*Touro College, an Orthodox Jewish college in New York City.
**Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, a law school in Central Islip, New York.
**Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, a medical school in Harlem, New York
**Touro University College of Medicine, a medical school in Hackensack, New Jersey (scheduled to open Fall 2009)
**Touro University, a division of Touro College
***Touro University California, a medical, pharmacy and physician assistant's school in Vallejo, California.
***Touro University Nevada, a medical, pharmacy and nursing school in Henderson, Nevada.
***Touro University, Rome, a Business and Management school in Zagarolo, Italy.
*Touro Infirmary, a hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana

*Touro, A Coruña, a municipality in Galicia, Spain.

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  • Touro — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Isaac Touro (1738–1783), jüdischer Führer Juda Touro (1775–1854), amerikanisch jüdischer Geschäftsmann und Philanthrop Touro ist der Name folgender Gemeinden: Touro (Vila Nova de Paiva) in Portugal Touro… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • touro — s. m. 1. O macho da vaca. 2. Boi que não é castrado e que se utiliza como reprodutor. 3.  [Figurado] Homem muito robusto e fogoso. 4.  [Astrologia] Signo do Zodíaco, entre Áries e Gêmeos. (Com inicial geralmente maiúscula.) ≠ TAURO • touros s. m …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • Touro — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Touro, mot portugais signifiant « taureau ». La tourada est la corrida très pratiquée au Portugal. Un Toureiro est un toreador. Toponymes en… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • TOURO COLLEGE — TOURO COLLEGE, one of the largest institutions of higher and professional education under Jewish sponsorship. Touro has grown from a small liberal arts college consisting of 35   freshmen in 1971, situated in midtown Manhattan, to an… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • TOURO, JUDAH — (1775–1854), U.S. philanthropist. Born in Newport, Rhode Island, to Isaac Touro (d. 1873), the ḥazzan of the Yeshuat Israel synagogue, and his wife Reyna, sister of the merchant Moses Michael Hays, Touro had a troubled childhood. The… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Touro Infirmary — is a non profit hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. Organization. Touro Infirmary is affiliated with the Louisiana State University Health Sciencer Center and Tulane University Health Science Center. The hospital is located in Uptown New Orleans …   Wikipedia

  • Touro Cemetery — Touro Synagogue Cemetery, also known as the Jewish Cemetery at Newport, dedicated in 1677, is located in the historic district of Newport, Rhode Island, not far from the Touro Synagogue and other Jewish graves are found nearby in the Common… …   Wikipedia

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