- Gametangium
A gametangium (plural: gametangia) is an organ or cell in which
gamete s are produced that is found in many multicellularprotist s,algae , fungi, and thegametophyte s ofplant s. In contrast togametogenesis inanimal s, a gametangium is ahaploid structure and formation of gametes does not involvemeiosis .Types of gametangia
Depending on the type of gamete produced in a gametangium, several types can be distinguished.
Female gametangia are most commonly called archegonia. They produce
egg cell s and are the sites forfertilization . Archegonia are common in algae and primitive plants as well asgymnosperm s. Inflowering plant s, they are replaced by theembryo sac inside theovule .Male
The male gametangia are most commonly called antheridia. They produce sperm cells that they release for fertilization. Antheridia producing non-motile sperm (spermatia) are called spermatangia. Some antheridia do not release their sperm. For example, the
oomycete antheridium is asyncytium with many sperm nuclei and fertilization occurs via fertilization tubes growing from the antheridium and making contact with the egg cells. Antheridia are common in thegametophyte s in "lower" plants such asbryophyte s,fern s,cycad s andginkgo . In "higher" plants such asconifer s andflowering plant s, they are replaced bypollen grain s.Isogamous
isogamy , the gametes look alike and cannot be classified into "male" or "female." For example, inzygomycete s, two gametangia (single cells at the end ofhypha e) form upon contact with each other and fuse into azygote .
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