Whitehead's lemma

Whitehead's lemma

Whitehead's lemma is a technical result in abstract algebra, used in algebraic K-theory, It states that a matrix of the form

: egin{bmatrix}u & 0 \ 0 & u^{-1} end{bmatrix}

is equivalent to identity by elementary transformations (here "elementary matrices" means "transvections"):

:egin{bmatrix}u & 0 \ 0 & u^{-1} end{bmatrix} = e_{21}(u^{-1}) e_{12}(1-u) e_{21}(-1) e_{12}(1-u^{-1}).

Here, e_{ij}(s) indicates a matrix whose diagonal block is 1 and ij^{th} entry is s.

It also refers to the closely related result [J. Milnor, Introduction to algebraic K -theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies 72, Princeton University Press, 1971. Section 3.1.] that the derived group of the "stable" general linear group is the group generated by elementary matrices. In symbols, operatorname{E}(A) = [operatorname{GL}(A),operatorname{GL}(A)] .

This holds for the stable group (the direct limit of matrices of finite size) over any ring, but not in general for the unstable groups, even over a field. For instance for operatorname{GL}(2,mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z}) one has::operatorname{Alt}(3) cong [operatorname{GL}_2(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z}),operatorname{GL}_2(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z})] < operatorname{E}_2(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z}) = operatorname{SL}_2(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z}) = operatorname{GL}_2(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z}) cong operatorname{Sym}(3).


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