William Rushton

William Rushton

William Rushton may refer to:

* William Albert Hugh Rushton (1901-1980) British physiologist
* Willie Rushton (1937-1996), British comedian

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  • William Rushton — William Albert Hugh Rushton (* 8. Dezember 1901; † 21. Juni 1980) war Professor für Physiologie am Trinity College (Cambridge). Sein Hauptinteresse galt der Farbwahrnehmung; sein Prinzip der Univarianz hat Bedeutung in der Sinnesphysiologie. 1970 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • William Albert Hugh Rushton — (* 8. Dezember 1901; † 21. Juni 1980) war Professor für Physiologie am Trinity College (Cambridge). Sein Hauptinteresse galt der Farbwahrnehmung; sein Prinzip der Univarianz hat Bedeutung in der Sinnesphysiologie. 1970 war er Präsident der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • W. A. H. Rushton — William Albert Hugh Rushton FRS (8 December 1901 21 June 1980) was professor of Physiology at Trinity College, Cambridge. His main interest lay in colour vision and his Principle of Univariance is of seminal importance in the study of… …   Wikipedia

  • Rushton , William Albert Hugh — (1901–1980) British physiologist Rushton, the son of a London dental surgeon, studied medicine at Cambridge University and University College Hospital, London. He worked in Cambridge from 1931 until 1968, being appointed professor of visual… …   Scientists

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