

Al-Yasa (ArB|اليَسَع), ("circa" 9 BC - death unknown) [ [ The Truth of Life ] ] [ [ :: ] ] is an Islamic prophet mentioned in the Qur'an. In the Bible he is known as Elisha (or sometimes as Eliseus), and is regarded by both Jews and Christians as a prophet.

The Story of Al-Yasa

Al-Yasawas the son of Safet and the successor to Ilyas. Ilyas, directed by God, appointed him before vanishing into the protection of God. Al-Yasawas thus the next prophet to the Israelites.

He inherited from Ilyas the obstinate king and queen of Israel who would not listen to any reason. Al-Yasadid many miraculous deeds to show them the powers of God, but they called him a magician like they had called Ilyas before him. They continued their defiance throughout his life.

After a period of time the Israelites were conquered by the Assyrians. The Assyrians destroyed the Temple Mount and inflicted great damage on Israel.


External links

* [ Prophet Al-Yasa]
* [ The Story of Al-Yasa (Elisha)]

References to Al-Yasa in the Qur'an

* [ 6:86] , [ 38:48]

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