- Jean Pernet, père
Jean Claude Pernet, père (
October 15 ,1832 -March 31 ,1896 ) was a Frenchrosarian known for hiscultivation ofrose cultivar s. He was born to a family of rose growers inVilleurbanne , Rhône, near the city ofLyon . His father, Claude Pernet, established a rose nursery in 1845.Among rose breeders today, Jean Pernet is known as 'Pernet pere' and was one of the first hybridizers who sought out novelties. He developed the
Baroness de Rothschild Hybrid Tea rose in 1868, named for Baroness Caroline von Rothschild. In 1874, he named a Moss rose 'Soupert & Notting' in honour of hisLuxembourg rose breeding colleagues. Among his numerous creations are:*'Caroline Küster' - (Noisette) 1872
*'Mme. Souveton' - (Portland) 1874
*'Louis Gimard' - (Moss) 1877
*'Cecile Brunner' - (Polyantha) 1881
*'Merveille de Lyon' - (Hybrid Perpetual) 1882
*'Souvenir de Victor Hugo' - (Hybrid Perpetual) 1885
*'Triomphe des Noisettes' - (Noisette) 1887
*'Marchioness of Salisbury' - (Hybrid Tea) 1890Using "
Rosa foetida " in 1887, he and his son,Joseph Pernet-Ducher , began developing a yellow rose through a cross between a red hybrid perpetual and 'Persian Yellow'. After Jean Pernet's death in 1896, his son carried on the experiments and developed a world-wide reputation in 1900 when he introduced the 'Soleil d'Or ', the first yellowHybrid Tea . This rose it is now recognized as the first of thePernetiana Roses (Roses of Pernet) and an important ancestor of 'Peace', introduced by Meilland in 1945.
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